Sage 300 Productivity Tools
Save Time and Increase Efficiency by using the Sage 300 Productivity Add-Ons
Sage 300 Productivity Tools helps businesses save time, increase efficiency, and improve communication and collaboration.

Why use Productivity Tools?
Productivity Tools are Sage 300 Add-ons that add hundreds of features to the stock Sage 300 system.
Productivity Tools Includes all of the following features:
Administrative Services
Accounts Payable
- Extended Vendors - copies vendors from one company to many
- Extended Create Payment Batch - enables more than one system generated batch to be unposted
- Extended Remit To Locations - copies remit locations to one company to many
- Mail Merge - creates mail merge documents directly from Sage 300
- Vendor Inquiry - adds 20 dynamic of information for a vendor, including grids for PO's, invoices, and more
Accounts Receivable
- Apply Documents - matches and applies payment documents to invoices
- Create AR Credit Notes - lets you quickly reverse accounts receivable invoices, debit notes, and more
- Create Price List - creates a price list spreadsheet for a single customer that incorporates pricing factors
- Extended AR Receipt Entry - searches for a customer by invoice number providing a solution for the receipt of a payment
- Extended Customer Inquiry - adds SmartFinders, Google Map integration, multiple contacts and more
- Extended Customer - copies customers from one company to many
- Extended Ship To Locations - copies ship to addresses from one company to many
- Mass Billing - creates a large number of invoices for a single AR item
- Mail Merge - creates mail merge documents directly from Sage 300
General Ledger
- Accounting Status - shows period end status in a single window
- Copy GL Accounts - manages multi company ledgers with segment filtering and substitution rules
- Copy GL Accounts Setup - specify any number of account ranges from a template company to target companies
- Extended GL Account Groups - copies account groups from one company to many
- Extended Create New Year - creates a new year in multiple companies
- Extended Fiscal Calendar - copies calendars from one company to many
- Extended GL Accounts - copies accounts from one company to many
- Extended GL Segment Codes - copies segments codes from one company to many
- Look Up GL Account - finds the right account quickly when thousands are in use
- Set Recurring Dates - resets incorrectly entered last run dates
Inventory Control
- Extended Inventory Items - copy items from one company to another. Includes advanced filter option.
- Extended Locations - copies Locations from one company to another and provides Google Maps link.
- Extended IC Segment Codes - copies segment codes from one company to many.
- Extended Vendor Details, Extended Customer Details and Extended Manufacturers' Items - A SmartFinder searches for items like an internet search engine.
- Extended Item Pricing - copies prices from one company to many.
- Stock reorder - performs reorder calculations, previews with errors. Saves display to Excel. Creates POs and requisitions.
- Mail Merge - creates mail-merge documents directly from Sage 300. Simplifies operation by eliminating export and data source setup.
- Delete Items - provides a way to see all inventory items. Checks for 3rd-party references to items. Deletes items when safe to delete.
- Delete BOMs - provides a way to delete hundreds of old or unused bills-of-material (BOMs) in one operation.
- Kit Component Usage Inquiry - lets you quickly list kits where items appear as components, drill down to kit components.
- Fix Item Valuation Errors - repairs item valuation errors in your data.
Order Entry
- Extended Order Entry - shows prices, quantities, and comments when selecting items. Shows margins, most recent costs, and UOM totals. Prints picking slips, invoices, quotes & confirmations. Displays picked items in picking slip order. Displays quantities available at other locations or companies. Check if a customer purchase order number is used on more than one order. Edit kit details on an order. Views history, selecting line details from previous orders. A Line Finder helps you deal with an order with dozens or hundreds of lines. An update button enables multi-faceted changes to be made to all lines in an order. Force a purchase order number to be entered for selected customers. Displays customer optional fields on the entry form. Shows prepayments related to the order.
- Extended Shipment Entry - shows prices, quantities and comments when selecting items. Shows margins, most recent costs, and UOM totals. Prints picking slips, invoices, quotes & confirmations. Displays picked items in picking slip order. Displays quantities available at other locations or companies. Checks if a customer purchase order number is used on more than one shipment. Displays customer optional fields on the entry form. Shows prepayments related to the shipment.
- Extended OE Invoice Entry - shows prices, quantities and comments when selecting items. Shows margins, most recent costs, and UOM totals. Prints picking slips, invoices, quotes & confirmations. Displays customer optional fields on the entry form. Shows prepayments related to the invoice.
- Create OE Credit Notes - lets you quickly reverse order entry invoices that were applied to customer accounts.
- Extended Ship-Via Codes - copies Ship-Via Codes from one company to many and provides links to Google Maps and email clients. Provides a field to store tracking number URLs
- Ship Orders - ships hundreds of orders, optionally invoicing at the same time.
- Invoice Shipments - invoices hundreds of shipments with many consolidation options.
- Update Orders - substitutes items, kits and BOMs on hundreds of orders. Updates prices, expected ship dates, deliver by dates, customer addresses, salesperson codes and more.
- Update Shipments - updates prices or ship dates for hundreds of shipments.
- Delete Orders - deletes old orders to correct item quantities and speed up day-end
- Delete Quotes - deletes thousands of old quotes and speeds up day-end.
- Complete Orders - completes old orders that will never be filled, correcting quantities.
- Sales History Inquiry - quickly finds most recent costs and prices for an item.
- Extended OE Credit Debit Note Entry - lets you select details from an OE invoice to be included in the note.
- Email Packing Slips - will send an email to a customer, reporting which items on an order were shipped. Supports customer, ship-to and entered email addresses and ship-to tracking numbers.
- Sync Timecards - synchronizes timecard data with updated master table entries. Includes options to filter employees, logs of all changes.
- Mail Merge - creates mail-merge documents directly from Sage 300. Simplifies operation by eliminating export and data source setup. Merges ACTIVE instead of 1, calculated fields. Eliminates guesswork by providing meaningful field names.
Purchase Order
- Extended PO Entry - Sort detail lines to speed up editing of very large purchase orders. Create a new purchase order by selecting details from previous purchase orders. Display quantities available at other locations. See prepayments assigned to a purchase order.
- Extended PO Receipt Entry - A receive button displays items on the PO in several different sort orders. Drop ship to dozens of detail lines in a single operation. Displays quantities available at other locations or in other companies while entering a receipt. SmartFinders search for receipts, vendors, and items like an internet search engine.
- Extended PO Invoice Entry - shows all receipts related to a vendor so that they may be quickly matched to an invoice. A vendor is related to a receipt if they are the primary vendor or an additional cost vendor.
- Stock Reorder - performs reorder calculations, previews with errors (e.g. no item vendor). Saves display grid to Excel and reloads edited spreadsheet. Creates either purchase orders or requisitions.
- Update Purchase Orders - substitutes items on hundreds of orders. Updates vendor costs and expected arrival dates on multiple POs in one step.
- Delete Purchase Orders - deletes old purchase orders to correct item quantities.
- Complete Purchase Orders - completes old purchase orders, correcting item quantities.
- Complete Zero Receipts - finds and completes purchase order receipts with zero cost.