Mass Billing
For Sage 300
Mass Billing extends the functionality of Sage 300 Accounts Receivable by letting you create a large number of invoices or credit notes for a set of customers quickly and easily.
This product is targeted at companies or educational institutions that administer a lot of fees to ranges of

What is Mass Billing?
TaiRox’s Mass Billing creates a large number of invoices for a single AR item. Includes many options to annotate invoice batches, logs all changes.
Why use Mass Billing?
In an educational environment, students are set up as customers with optional fields like “Grade” and “Program”. Mass Billing facilitates the administration of fees such as yearly book fees or field-trip fees that may apply to some or all grades.
Running Mass Billing creates an AR invoice batch containing one invoice line per customer (or one credit note per customer if the Item Price/Amount has a negative value). The invoice amount comes from the AR Item’s price, which can be overridden.
In multicurrency systems, you must specify a currency, and invoices will only be produced for customers with that currency.
Mass Billing Features
Select customers for billing by customer number, billing cycle, or AR optional fields – or import a list of the customers for processing.
Specify the customer currency for the invoices.
Specify additional criteria for document selection if applicable.
Click the Load button to display the list of selected customers.
“Cherry-pick” customers to refine the final list for invoicing.
Click the Process button to generate a new batch of customer invoices.
Specify the batch and invoice descriptions, invoice date, due date, AR item number used for the invoice (and default pricing), item description, unit of measure and item price.
Display a batch creation log to confirm the procedure.