Sage Intelligence link does not work
Lack of necessary permissions to local config.ini file, corrupt .dll file or incorrect repository path saved to .ini file.
Resolution 1:
Reinstall workstation setup using Autorun.exe from MAS90\wksetup folder
- install must be done as admin.
Resolution 2:
- Browse to C:\ProgramData\Sage Software\SageMASIntelligence52, where 52 is the version number (i.e. 5.3 for version 2016, 5.2 for 2015 or 5.1 for 2014). Right-click config.ini file and go to properties, then security tab. Ensure that user(s) is set to Full Control permissions and push apply then OK.
- Open Config.ini and check that the path listed under [Repository] is the correct path, make any corrections if necessary and save.
- Open Sage 100 and access the Sage Intelligence components. If prompted, re-enter the correct path to the repository.
Resolution 3
- Copy the Alchemex.COM4.dll file from a machine which is not experiencing this issue and place at C:\ProgramFiles(x86)Common Files\BIComponentsDotNet\COMBRIDGE4 – rename the original as seen in the screenshot below.