Sage 300 Multicurrency Manager Module

Count on Sage 300 ERP Multicurrency Manager

Pounds. Pesos. Dollars. Yen. Euros. No matter in what currency you trade, Multicurrency Manager can support it and empower your company for global enterprise. This module is highly flexible and efficient, and it takes you beyond the basics, giving you the business insights you need to maximize your international opportunities across the globe.

Your Challenge
Globalization and web commerce have made expanding into all corners of the world an appealing reality and created a much more competitive business marketplace. For very little extra expenditure businesses can set up a virtual shop in any country within a matter of hours. You are no longer competing with neighboring businesses for customers, but with Internet based competitors as well. However, buying and selling internationally requires that you comply with global accounting standards, support multiple currencies, and even run your software in multiple languages.

Your Solution
Success in global markets is within your reach using the power and pliancy of this module to handle the complexities of multicurrency enterprise. You can create and maintain an unlimited number of currencies and exchange rates. What’s more, you can enter transactions in any currency and produce reports in both your home currency and your vendor’s and/or customer’s currency. Seamless integration across financial and distribution modules ensures currency gain or loss is automatically calculated to reflect currency fluctuation as transactions are settled. In addition, multiple revaluation methods are available for calculating exchange fluctuations. Leverage the robust multicurrency capabilities with the financial modules to consolidate companies held in different currencies, report on companies in any currency, and process intercompany transactions to companies held in any currency.

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