Sage 100 SO Multiple Jobs on a Single Invoice

Sage 100 SO Multiple Jobs on a Single Invoice (SO-1542) allows you to reference different Job Numbers on each Sales Order line when Sales Order has been integrated with Job Cost.
The Sales Order Option ‘Post Invoice Costs to Job Cost’ must be checked.

If you have elected to ‘Post to G/L for Work In Process’ in Job Cost, then Sales Order Options – Job Cost must be activated and the option to ‘Relieve WIP’ must be unchecked.

Additional functionality exists if  Sales Order Options – Job Cost is activated and you have ‘Validate By Customer’ set to ‘No’ or ‘Write Back.’ The described features were developed for a specific client to its specifications and may not conform to generally accepted Sage 100 standards and procedures.

These features may or may not benefit you in your application of Sage 100.