Sage 100 Sales Order Module
Sage 100 ERP (formerly Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200) Sales Order provides you with the ability to optimize your entire sales and distribution workflow. Empower your team so that when a customer calls to place an order, you can close more sales answering all their questions with the powerful information at your fingertips. Sales Order provides you visibility of inventory availability with item details down to lot and serial number and pricing information with options for quantity pricing, discounts if combined with other items, and unique pricing that may be set up for a specific customer. Encourage large purchases across multiple product lines or by combining specific items, colors, or sizes. You can even suggest alternative products if you’re out of stock on what they want. Customer account information can be accessed to streamline your ordering workflow, for status, credit limits, previous orders, and to confirm the customer’s mailing address and shipping addresses.
Maximize your team’s productivity utilizing our efficient dual grid entry design that allows you to personalize your order entry screens. Customize the screens even more using Custom Office to streamline and enhance your workflow, add or remove fields, add specialized buttons, and utilize scripting to automatically process transactions according to your business rules. Sales Order improves your cash flow with many features and functionality, including the ability to automatically generate Purchase Orders from Sales Orders. Minimize the time and effort placing an order for a product you sell but don’t normally stock, so when your customer buys that item, an order flows through to the appropriate vendor. Use flexible selection criteria to automatically generate invoices from a range of sales orders, and automatically print a Daily Backorder report.