How to Setup a Mapping Table in Sage 300 G/L Consolidations
- Open General Ledger > G/L Consolidations > G/L Consol. Setup > Mapping Table.
- Enter an ID of up to 8 characters for a new mapping table, and enter a description.
- Map accounts in the source company’s general ledger to accounts in the destination company’s general ledger.
- Notes:
- At any time, you can click the Validate button to check that the source account numbers are correct. Any rows with invalid accounts are deleted from the list.
- If you leave target fields blank, the program uses the corresponding information from the source company. For example, if you leave the Target Account field blank, the program uses the source account number.
- In the Source Account column, select the general ledger account number for the account in the source ledger that you want to map.
- In the Target Account column, enter the account number for the account in the destination company that you want to map to.
- In the Target Account Description column, enter a description, or leave the field blank to use the source account description.
- In the Target Structure Code column, enter a structure code, or leave the field blank to use the source account’s general ledger account structure.
- In the Closing Segment Number column, enter the closing segment number for the target account, or leave the field blank to use the source account’s closing segment.
- In the Closing Segment Number column, enter the closing segment number for the target account, or leave the field blank to use the source account’s closing segment.
- In the Posting Type column, select a posting type.
- Consolidate. Select this type if the target account in the destination company is consolidated.
- Detail. Select this type if the target account in the destination company is detailed.
- N/A. Select this type to use the setting of the source company’s source account.
- In the Rate Type column, specify a different rate type than the default rate type if currency translation is relevant for the consolidation process. Specifying a rate type lets you ensure compliance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles when certain account balances need to be translated using different rate types. For example, you may have to translate some account balances at spot rates, others at average rates and others at historic rates. All these rate types can be set up and recorded in the mapping table to ensure consistent application of the different rate types. If you leave the Rate Type field blank, G/L Consolidations uses the default rate type specified for the export process on the G/L Consol Export Setup screen.
- In the Multicurrency column, specify whether the destination company is multicurrency.
- Yes. Select if the destination account in the destination company is multicurrency, and the account in the source ledger is single-currency. (If you select Yes, G/L Consolidations assumes that all currencies are valid for that account in the target ledger.)
- No. Select if the destination account in the destination company is single-currency, and the account is multicurrency in the source ledger.
- N/A. Use the setting of the source account in the source company.
- Example: If the source ledger is set up as single-currency with a functional currency of USD, and the destination ledger is set up as multicurrency with a functional currency of CAD, you select Yes. Upon successful import in the destination ledger, both the
source currency (USD) and the functional currency (CAD) will appear in the transaction exported to the destination ledger. - Note: You cannot change a multicurrency account to single-currency, and you cannot change a single-currency account to a multicurrency account.
- Example: If the source ledger is set up as single-currency with a functional currency of USD, and the destination ledger is set up as multicurrency with a functional currency of CAD, you select Yes. Upon successful import in the destination ledger, both the
- Notes:
- When you have finished adding accounts, click Validate to to check that the source account numbers are correct. Any rows with invalid account are deleted from the list.
- Click Add to add the mapping table.