Error: "Cannot run the macro 'mnu_ShowTaskPane'. The macro may not be available in this workbook or all macros may be disabled."
“Cannot run the macro ‘mnu_ShowTaskPane’. The macro may not be available in this workbook or all macros may be disabled.”, occurs when selecting Show Task Pane under BI Tools, Report Designer Add-in menu.
Please verify the following:
You have purchased Sage Intelligence Report Designer module and is registered properly.
- Open Sage Intelligence License Manager
- Click the account number on left side.
- Verify a “1” is displayed in the Report Designer Enabled field
Note: If you have purchased the Report Designer module and a “0” is displayed in this field, please contact Sage Sales Advisor at 800-854-3415 ext 340808 to ask for your Sage Intelligence keys to be updated.
Verify Report Designer Add-in has been installed on this workstation.
- Open Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs
- Verify Sage 100 ERP Intelligence Report Designer Add-in is listed
Verify Excel add-in is activated.
- Open Excel, select File, Options
- Click Add-ins
- Verify the following appear in the Active Application Add-ins section:
- Report Designer Add-in 1.0.0 / Type = Excel Add-in
- Report Designer Add-In 1.0.0 (Custom Task Pane Helper) / Type = COM Add-in
Repair Microsoft Office
- Click on Start
- Click on Control Panel
- Click on Programs and features
- Click on Microsoft Office Professional 2013
- Click on Repair
If either Add-In is not on the list, scroll to the bottom of the screen to the Manage section and do the following:
- Select Excel Add-ins from the Manage drop down list and click Go.
- If the Report Designer Add-in 1.0 is listed, check the box.
- If the Report Designer Add-in 1.0 is not listed, click Browse and browse to: C:\Program Files\Common Files\BIExcelFunctions\32bit\Sage.BI.ExcelFunctions.xll **Note: If on a 64-bit machine go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\BIExcelFunctions\32bit\Sage.BI.ExcelFunctions.xll and click Ok
- Note: when the Report Designer Add-in 1.0.0 is selected the Report Designer Add-In 1.0.0 (Custom Task Pane Helper) should be dynamically selected. If it is not listed, click COM Add-ins from the Manage drop down and click Go and If Report Designer Add-In 1.0.0 (Custom Task Pane Helper) is on the list check the box
If Add-Ins are still are not listed in Excel, please do the following ordered steps to reinstall the Report Designer Add-in:
- In Report Manager, rename the Report Designer Add-in and Report Designer Add-in Consolidation folders
- Using Add and Remove Programs, select Sage 100 ERP Intelligence Report Designer Add-in and click Uninstall
- Reinstall the Sage 100 ERP Intelligence Report Designer Add-in.
Important Reminders for Installing:
- If installing on Windows 7 or higher, right click on the .exe file and select Run as Administrator.
- Sage support recommends you disable User Account Control (UAC).
- Sage Intelligence AND Excel must both be closed when installing Report Designer Add-In. And the user must have Local Administrator Permissions.