SOX Check Approval
For Sage 300
SOX Check Approval takes control of the Sage 300 payment approval and check printing process

What is SOX Check Approval?
This manages the payment approval process with up to 3 levels of approvals and three different approval workflows: Strict, Relaxed and Simplified. SOX Check Approval works with Sage 300 and Sage 300cloud.
- Any number of Sage 300 users belong to an approval level
- Select workflows, levels and users for different companies
- View approval submission and activity in an audit log
- Supports Orchid EFT batches and all Sage 300 payment types
- Supports company-wide or bank-specific workflows
Payment Batch Details
- Block check posting and printing until the batch is approved
- A "Submit for Approval" button puts a batch into the "Check Creation in Progress" state, which stops further modification of the batch
- When a payment batch is submitted for approval, the batch and its entries are copied from the source company into an Approval Database that is managed by the Check Approval Console
- Accounting staff can click on the In Progress button to view the status of a batch
Workflow Types
Specify one to three levels of check approval. All checks must be approved at all levels. Choose this workflow when the top level of approval must see all checks in all batches
Specify one to three levels of approval, with lower levels having approval limits. Checks above limits must be approved at higher levels after first being approved by lowerlevel approvers. Checks below limits are not seen by higher-level approvers.
Specify one to three levels of approval, with lower levels having approval limits. All checks are approved at only one level, as determined by level limits.
Checks must be approved by one to three users. Choose this workflow when each check requires more than one approver, but there is no hierarchy of approval.