TaiRox SOX Backup Enterprise

For Sage 300

Copy Sage 300 Databases Easier and Automate them with TaiRox

TaiRox SOX Backup Enterprise Video

What is SOX Backup Enterprise?

SOX Backup Enterprise provides Fast DBLoad capabilities (typically 3x faster loads) and Fast Data Integrity checking capabilities (typically 10x – 1000x faster) and the ability to change database names during a load). Restoring an archive from an FTP site is also an option. Using an intermediate FTP site, databases can be copied between different offices, usually as an overnight operation. SOX Backup Enterprise has sequencing mechanisms for database transfers involving multiple Windows Scheduled Tasks.

Why use SOX Backup Enterprise?

SOX Backup Enterprise will copy Sage 300 databases and folders between remote offices as an automated overnight operation.

Key Features

XML Driven

Settings are stored in an XML file that drives Windows Scheduled Tasks, a core o/s, always-on service. A headless design means jobs cannot get hung up waiting for user responses. Multiple XML files can drive multiple jobs.

XML Driven Settings

DBDump Backup

Any number of Sage 300 databases can be backed up into or restored from a single archive. DBDump format is many times smaller than database backup formats and removes indexes and possible index corruptions.

DBDump Backup Tab

Archive Management

The Sage 300 shared folder and matching databases are backed up into a single archive. Between 1 and 99 daily archives can be managed with automatic cycling – at limit, oldest is automatically removed. Archive management helps avoid disk full conditions.

Shared Folder Tab


Application level integrity should be checked on a regular basis. Database integrity checks database structure, not application integrity. The SOX Backup summary assists analysis by distinguishing errors from warnings.

integrity check tab

More Features

FTP Option

Data can be reliably copied offsite, using robust re-try strategies – exponential backoff with configurable limits. Archive file splitting sizes are configurable to accommodate internet connection quality.

ftp tab

SQL Server Database

CRM, Sales Analysis or eRequester database backups are stored in a daily archives. Any number or kind of SQL Server databases can be included. Provides an automated backup mechanism for SQL Server Express users.

backup MSSQL Databases

Email Notification

Email subject line includes SUCCESS, FAIL or NOTE status. Email body is a copy of the log file. If internet connectivity is lost, emails are re-tried using FTP settings and mechanisms. Does NOT rely on Outlook, Exchange or ISP mail servers.

email notification tab

Log File

A log file is stored with the daily archive, either summarized or detailed. The server name, local server times, disk-space usage and other tracking data is logged. Data integrity warnings and errors are distinguished in the log summary.

log file tab