TaiRox Optional Field Manager

For Sage 300

Manage and customize your fields from a single source of data.

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What is Optional Field Manager?

Optional Field Manager performs operations on Sage 300 optional fields: Delete Old Optional Fields, Add Optional Field Values, Rename Optional Fields and Update Optional Field Counts.

Why use Optional Field Manager?

Delete Old Optional Fields

Delete fields that are no longer required from a Sage 300 database. A selected optional field will be completely deleted from all tables with an option to remove the optional field definition from common services. Rows are deleted and counts are updated appropriately.

Add Optional Values

When an optional field is added in Sage 300, table rows are not populated with an initial or default value. If the optional field is required, some operations cannot be performed until a value is present. This operation provides such a value for all rows in a table or tables without affecting existing values. This operation is available for master file and setup tables, not for transaction tables.

Rename Optional Fields

Change the name or description of an optional filed in all tables.

Update Optional Field Counts

Repairs a database inconsistency (integrity error) that can occur when one of the optional field counts does not match the number of actual records containing the optional field.