TaiRox Downloading Rates
For Sage 300
Download Exchange Rates and Save your Time.
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What is Downloading Rates?
Download Rates will copy exchange rates from internet services to Sage 300 databases. Run it manually or set it up as a daily task.The downloaded interbank rates can be adjusted by a specified percentage so as to more accurately represent future settlement rates. A mapping table will translate from ISO to Sage 300 Currency Codes. Download Rates provides a practical way to support Sage 300 “spreads”.
Features and Benefits
- Updates multiple exchange rates for multiple days in multiple companies in a single operation
- Uses Sage 300 Rate Types so that multiple rates for the same two currencies can be maintained.
- Will convert from ISO Currency Codes used by Providers into "non-standard" Sage 300 Currency Codes.
- Provider rates can be adjusted by a percentage to more accurately reflect a rate actually used in transactions.
- Creates a basic Windows Scheduled Task and will launch the Task Scheduler.
- One-time entry of a Sage 300 "spread" makes this warning function more practical.
- This product uses Sage 300 business objects to insure proper multi-user operation.