Slow Performance Creating PDF Files in Sage 100


When Printing to Paperless Office (creating PDF files) in Sage 100, slow response times are reported.


Slower response times can be due to a number of factors (including network, antivirus, printer driver, Windows environment, . Test PDF creation times directly on the Sage 100 server compared to workstations reporting issues with printing speed.


While there is no published benchmark, the Normal print time for PDF files could be 2.5-5 seconds per document. The process is dependent on network bandwidth, CPU availability, and RAM. Process is sensitive to network bandwidth availability, Windows Updates, and Antivirus Settings.

  • For general slow printing from workstations in Sage 100 Advanced – see Related Resources for information on How to Install and Configure the Client/Server ODBC Driver (C/S ODBC) for Sage 100.
  • Sage 100 2021 issue reported with slow performance creating PDF files with BOTH a Sage 100 PDF Converter Printer (Amyuni Document Converter 600) and Sage PDF Converter (Amyuni Document Converter 500) and increased performance with older PDF converter uninstalled.
  • Also, if the location where Sage 100 is creating the PDF files for Paperless Office documents is on a server other than the Sage 100 server, antivirus exclusions should be set on that location and there can be performance issues with communicaiton between the 2 machines over the network. (See Related Resources for error that occurs in P/L maintenance settings due to files stored on the server other than Sage 100 or location unavailable).
  • Additionally, there can be performance issues with the number of PDF files in the target location (.i.e. if Windows File Explorer takes a very long time to display the folder and files).