Sage 300 Inventory Control Module

Count on Sage 300 ERP Inventory Control
Inventory Control offers a complete multilocation inventory management system that keeps track of stock levels and processes inventory receipts, shipments, returns, and adjustments—allowing you to control inventory costs while having enough stock to meet customer demand.

Your Challenge
If you’re like many shop floor controllers or production managers, you spend a great deal of time trying to get a handle on inventory carrying costs while trying not to impact product shipping guarantees. Effective inventory management requires detailed analysis of what to order, when to order it, and where to stock it. Not to mention tracking physical inventory, returns, and detailed information on the items you carry. Currently, you are trying to manage inventory manually or in an unintegrated system. You are juggling a variety of spreadsheets while spending too much time on manual reporting and communications. Costs are spiraling out of control, while customer satisfaction is suffering, and you are losing customers to competitors.

Your Solution
Sage 300 ERP (formerly Sage ERP Accpac) Inventory Control makes it easy for you to get control on the critical job of monitoring your inventory. With easily accessible information, you can make better business decisions about what merchandise to stock, how to price it, what to discontinue, and follow trends to determine what to market. Analyzing your inventory history gives you new flexibility to plan special pricing. All information for profitability planning and product trend analysis is readily available. Your operations will be significantly more efficient, helping boost profits, and customer service will improve dramatically, too.