Sage 100 Hot Keys | |
| |
Keystroke | Resulting Action |
TAB | Next field |
ENTER | Next logical field |
SPACEBAR | Clear/select a check box/radio button |
BACKSPACE | Deletes the entry at a field |
ESC | Closes the current window |
F1 | Help text for the current field |
F2 | Lookup window for the current field |
F3 or ALT+L | Alternate lookup window for the current field |
F4 | Printer button |
F7 | Explorer menu |
F8 | Record count |
F9 or ALT+Q | Special options button |
CTRL+F5 | First record |
CTRL+F6 | Prior record |
CTRL+F7 | Next record |
CTRL+F8 | Last record |
ALT+A | Accept button |
ALT+C | Cancel button |
ALT+D | Delete button |
ALT+P | Print button |
ALT+V | Preview button |
SHIFT+F1 | Help button (help text for the window) |
ALT+O | OK button for dialog boxes and line entry |
ALT+U | Undo line changes |
CTRL+INSERT | Inserts a line |
CTRL+DELETE | Deletes the current line |
INSERT | Inserts a line |
DELETE | Deletes the current line |
ALT+N | Insert a line |
ALT+E | Delete a line |
ALT+1, 2, … | Select the first tab, second tab, … |
ALT+B | Batch button |
ALT+E | E-mail button |
ALT+I | Text button |
ALT+K | Credit checking button |
ALT+M | Memo button |
ALT+R | Item memo button |
ALT+Q | Map button |
ALT+S | Image button |
ALT+S | Documents search button |
ALT+T | Package tracking button |
ALT+U | Web button |
ALT+X | Next number icon |
ALT+Z | Zoom button |
HOME | First page in a list box |
END | Last page in a list box |
PAGE UP | Previous page in a list box |
PAGE DOWN | Next page in a list box |