Sage 100 Hot Keys

Sage 100 Hot Keys 
KeystrokeResulting Action
TABNext field
ENTERNext logical field
SPACEBARClear/select a check box/radio button
BACKSPACEDeletes the entry at a field
ESCCloses the current window
F1Help text for the current field
F2Lookup window for the current field
F3 or ALT+LAlternate lookup window for the current field
F4Printer button
F7Explorer menu
F8Record count
F9 or ALT+QSpecial options button
CTRL+F5First record
CTRL+F6Prior record
CTRL+F7Next record
CTRL+F8Last record
ALT+AAccept button
ALT+CCancel button
ALT+DDelete button
ALT+PPrint button
ALT+VPreview button
SHIFT+F1Help button (help text for the window)
ALT+OOK button for dialog boxes and line entry
ALT+UUndo line changes
CTRL+INSERTInserts a line
CTRL+DELETEDeletes the current line
INSERTInserts a line
DELETEDeletes the current line
ALT+NInsert a line
ALT+EDelete a line
ALT+1, 2, …Select the first tab, second tab, …
ALT+BBatch button
ALT+EE-mail button
ALT+IText button
ALT+KCredit checking button
ALT+MMemo button
ALT+RItem memo button
ALT+QMap button
ALT+SImage button
ALT+SDocuments search button
ALT+TPackage tracking button
ALT+UWeb button
ALT+XNext number icon
ALT+ZZoom button
HOMEFirst page in a list box
ENDLast page in a list box
PAGE UPPrevious page in a list box
PAGE DOWNNext page in a list box