Reset Default Settings for Sage 100 ERP Application Server Configuration
How to reset Sage 100 Application Server Configuration to default settings
Use caution when working with the below product functionality. Always create a backup of your data before proceeding with advanced solutions. If necessary, seek the assistance of a qualified Sage business partner, network administrator, or Sage customer support analyst.
- The application Server configuration has gotten damaged
- The SAGE selection does not show in the “Server:” dropdown list in Application Server Configuration.
- Have ALL users exit Sage 100 ERP
- Stop the Sage 100 ERP Application Service
- Open …MAS90\Home\Lib\_AppServ\
- Rename the following files
- apps.pvk to apps.old
- locate.pvk to locate.old
- server.pvk to server.old
- sessions.pvk to sessions.old
- Open …MAS90\Home\
- Double-click pvxwin32.exe
- Click OK
- Type: o=new(“sy_installation”)
- Note: this command starts with an o (as in oxygen, not a zero)
- Press Enter
- Type: o’configuremas200(“C:\Sage\…\MAS90”)
- Note: Enter the path to MAS90 directory on the clients system inside the parentheses, and this command starts with an o as in oxygen, not a zero, followed by a single quote.
- Open Start, All Programs, Sage, Sage 100 ERP, Application Server Configuration
- Select Server tab
- Enter Socket (Port) number
- Uncheck KeepAlives option
- Select Apply
- Select Exit
- Start Sage 100 ERP Application Service