Sage 300 – How to Pay AP Invoices by Credit Card

This allows you to pay AP Transactions via credit card. It moves the AP Account to a Suspense Liability Account. When the credit card statement arrives, you can enter and pay the credit card statement which removes the Suspense Liability Account.

Setting Up the Process (One Time)

  1. Create a Liability Trading Account (Suspense Account)
    1. Go to General Ledger / GL Accounts / Accounts
    2. Type in New GL code to create
    3. In this example, I’ve created GL Account #2016 to act as the Suspense Account.
  2. Setup Payment Code
    1. Go to Accounts Payable / AP Setup / Payment Codes
    2. Create Payment Code
    3. Make Sure Payment Type is Other
    4. In this example, I’ve created Payment Code VISACC for Visa Credit Card Vendor Payments

To Pay an AP Invoice by Credit Card

  1. Go to Accounts Payable / AP Transactions / Payment Batch List
  2. Create a New Batch by clicking New Button
  3. Pick Vendor you are going to pay via Credit Card
  4. For the Payment Code, Select Payment Code Created for CC Payment. In our example, we created VISACC.
  5. For Other Account, Select the GL Suspense Account. In our example, we created GL Account #2016.
  6. Select Invoice(s) to pay via Credit Card. On the Lines section, it will show Yes to what you’ve selected
  7. Post it.
  8. This transfers the Liability into another Liability GL Account. (AP to AP Suspense Account on GL)

To Pay and Enter the Visa Credit Card Bill Simultaneously

After you’ve charged the bills via Credit Card, you now receive the actual Credit Card Statement and want to pay it off.

  1. Go to Accounts Payable / AP Transactions / Payment Batch List
  2. Create a New Batch by clicking New Button
  3. For Transaction Type, Select Misc. Payment
  4. Pick the Credit Card Vendor
  5. For Payment Code, select how you wish to pay for invoice. In our example, we used CHECKUSD
  6. For Invoice Number, enter Invoice number or Statement Date. This creates the invoice in AP.
  7. For the Lines, Select GL Suspense Account and Amount of Invoice(s). This takes it off the Suspend Account.
  8. If you have any additional charges that you wish to add on the Credit Card, add them on the lines.
  9. The total should match your Credit Card Statement.
  10. Print and Post the checks
  11. If there are no outstanding CC payments, then the Suspense Account should be zero.


If necessary, seek the assistance of Acute Data Systems to help provide assistance with this process.