Sage 300 EFT Processing

Streamline Sage 300 payments & receipts using Electronic Funds Transfer

eft processing - payroll video

What is Electric Funds Transfer (EFT) Processing?

Automate the creation of EFT files for your bank, leading to increased efficiency, accuracy, and security. Eliminate expensive paper cheques and avoid duplicate data entry for a quick ROI. EFT processing is available for AP, AR, and Payroll modules. 

Improved efficiency leads to happier customers, vendors and employees

A quick ROI, thanks to savings on stationery, handling, postage, and bank transaction fees

Increased automation means improved efficiency, greater accuracy, lower costs

Numerous security features, including audit-logging and encryption of bank account details

Hundreds of bank formats already supported, others created on request

Save time and reduce errors by avoiding duplicate data entry

Have confidence that your cash movements are secure, and would stand up to an audit

Reduce exposure to fraud by moving away from paper cheques or streamlining positive pay file processing

Add the power of Python to the Alerts & Workflow capabilities of Extender Configurator

EFT File Creation

Creates EFT files in the format required by your bank, for both payments and receipts:

Bank File Formats Supported:

Remittance Advice Processing Options

Security Features

EFT Bank Details

A Sage 300 Module

Cost savings add up to a quick ROI

EFT Processing Edition Guide

(You can also combine the AP/AR and Payroll editions in a bundle.)

EFT Processing for AP & AR

For processing payments & receipts using:

AP/AR specific features:

AR Receipt and Refund Generation

EFT Processing for Payroll

For processing payments & receipts using:

AP/AR specific features: