How to set up your Order Entry system on Sage 300 Order Entry
- Select Order Entry options. The options you select on the O/E Options screen determine how your Order Entry system operates and the types of data it stores and displays. You can also use the screen after setup to review your entries and, as needed, change most of them. You use the O/E Options screen to perform the following setup tasks:
- Verify the prefixes and numbers you want Order Entry to assign to orders and invoices, if you want the numbers assigned automatically.
- Select the options to use when processing orders and invoices.
- Specify a default order template (optional).
- Specify the default order unit of measure.
- Define any optional fields you want to add to transaction entry screens.
- For more information, see “O/E Options ScreenTo Open this ScreenOpen Order Entry > O/E Setup > Options.Related TasksAllowing Editing of Sales Statistics Selecting Transaction Processing Options in Order EntrySetting Up Customer Credit Check Options Setting Up Order EntrySetting Up Posting and Day End Processing OptionsSetting Up Salesperson CommissionsOverview Use the O/E Options screen to select options when setting up your Order Entry system, or when you need to change setup options. On the Company tab, you enter and edit contact information for your Order Entry system.On the Documents tab, you specify how Order Entry assigns document numbers to new transactions.On the Processing tab, you select options that determine how and when Order Entry performs various processing tasks.For more information about selecting specific Order Entry options, and about changing options after you have set up your Order Entry system, see Selecting Transaction Processing Options in Order Entry.For information about integrating Order Entry with General Ledger, see O/E G/L Integration Screen.Company PanelOn the Company tab, enter contact information foryour Order Entry system. To change your company name and address, or to change contact information at the company level, use the Company Profile screen in Common Services.Documents PanelOn the Documents tab, you specify prefixes and next numbers to assign to documents, and specify default aging periods into which Order Entry groups outstanding or overdue transactions for the O/E Aged Orders report. Document numbers in Order Entry are a combination of the following elements:A prefix that identifies the transaction type.A number that Order Entry assigns sequentially, starting with the number you specify.The maximum length for document numbers is 22 characters (including the prefix).Processing PanelUse the Processing tab to specify general Order Entry options for transaction processing, currency, default document information, statistics, history, commissions, and credit checks.You can specify options that determine whether and how Order Entry performs the following tasks:Calculates backorder quantities automatically.Displays the pricing unit or the stocking unit as the default order unit of measure on Order Entry screens.Saves transaction
and sales information for reporting.Accumulates sales statistics.Allows editing of statistics.Uses a default template for entering orders, invoices, and credit notes. (You cannot specify the default code until you have added templates on the O/E Templates screen).Tracks commissions on sales or margins.Allows you to enter a default number of days for the expiration of quotes.Allows you the option to clear expired quotes after a delay you specify.Allows you the option to post documents for non-existent customers.Fields and ControlsCompany tabOn the Company tab, enter contact information for your Order Entry system.To change your company name and address, or to change contact information at the company level, use the Company Profile screen in Common Services.Contact Name Enter the name of a contact person, position, or department for your Order Entry system.Fax Number Enter a fax number for your Order Entry system.Telephone Enter a telephone number for your Order Entry system.Documents tab On the Documents tab, you specify prefixes and next numbers to assign to documents, and specify default aging periods into which Order Entry groups outstanding or overdue transactions for the O/E Aged Orders report. Aging Periods Specify default aging periods into which Order Entry groups outstanding or overdue transactions for the Aged Orders report. You can change the default periods at any time. You can also specify different aging periods for individual reports when you print them. For more information about viewing outstanding orders, see O/E Aged Orders Report Screen.Next Day End Number This field displays the day end number that will be assigned the next time you run Day End Processing in Inventory Control.Document Numbers table On the Document Numbers table, you specify the length, prefix, and next number to use when assigning numbers to each type of document in your Order Entry system. Document numbers in Order Entry are a combination of the following elements:A prefix that identifies the transaction type.A number that Order Entry assigns sequentially, starting with the number you specify.The maximum length for document numbers is 22 characters (including the prefix).Document Type This field displays the type of Order Entry document for which you are specifying the length, prefix, and next number to use when assigning document numbers. Length Specify the number of characters to use when assigning document numbers to the selected document type. Maximum length is 22 characters.Next Number. If you do not want to use the default starting number for the selected document type, enter a starting number to use. When you create a new document, if you do not specify a document number, Order Entry automatically assigns the next available number. You can change this number if necessary. PrefixEnter a prefix of up to 6 characters to use in document numbers for the selected document type. The maximum ength for document numbers is 22 characters (including the prefix).Processing tabUse the Processing tab to specify general Order Entry options for transaction processing, currency, default document information, statistics, history, commissions, and credit checks.Default RateTypeIf you use multicurrency accounting, select the default rate type to use for converting source (customer) currency amounts to your company’s functional currency equivalents.You define rate types using the Currency Rate Types screen in Common Services.You can use different rate types in Order Entry and Accounts Receivable.Functional CurrencyThis field displays the functional currency for your company.You specify the functional currency for your company on the Company Profile screen in Common Services.After specifying a functional currency, you cannot change it.All Sage 300 programs for the company automatically use the same functional currency.MulticurrencyThis option indicates whether your Order Entry system is multicurrency or single-currency. The setting depends on your selection in Accounts Receivable:If Accounts Receivable is multicurrency, Order Entry is multicurrency also.If Accounts Receivable is single-currency, Order Entry is single-currency also.You cannot change this option.CommissionsCommission ByIf you track sales commissions, specify whether to calculate commissions by sales amount or margin amount. For more information, see About Commissions.Track CommissionsSelect this option if you want to track sales commissions.Order Entry can calculate commissions earned by salespersons using the data from invoices and credit notes. You can print this information on the O/E Salesperson Commissions report.For more information, see About Commissions.Credit ChecksIf a credit limit has been set for a customer in Accounts Receivable, Order Entry checks each transaction posted for the customer to determine whether the customer’s current balance in Accounts Receivable exceeds their credit limit.Select the options in this group if you want to include pending transactions from Accounts Receivable, Order Entry, or other Sage 300 programs in the credit check.Checks that include pending transactions take more time than checks that do not. You can turn these checks off to improve processing speed.If the customer is part of a national account, Order Entry also checks national account balances. It does not check pending balances for the national account.Include Other Pending Transactions in Credit Limit CheckSelect this option if you want to include unposted transactions from other third-party programs supported by Sage 300 when checking a customer’s credit.Include Pending A/R Transactions in Credit Limit CheckSelect this option if you want to include unposted Accounts Receivable transactions when checking a customer’s credit.Include Pending O/E Transactions in Credit Limit CheckSelect this option if you want to include unposted Order Entry transactions when checking a customer’s credit.Processing OptionsAllow Non-existent CustomersIf you select this option, you can post orders for customers for which there is no record in Accounts Receivable.If you do not select the option, Order Entry prevents you from entering an order, shipment, or invoice for a customer for which no record exists in Accounts Receivable.Regardless of your choice, you cannot post an invoice in Accounts Receivable until you add the customer to your Accounts Receivable system.We recommend that you do not use this option in a multicurrency system, especially if the reporting currencies for customer tax groups do not match your customers’ currencies.If you select this option, you must specify a tax group when entering a new document for a non-existent customer before you can enter item details. The currency for the tax group you specify will also be the currency for the document, for the tax reporting currency, and for the customer when you add the customer record in Accounts Receivable. If you want the tax group currency to be different from the tax reporting currency or the document currency, you must add the customer record in Accounts Receivable first. If you have activated Sage 300 integration with Sage CRM and the order is linked to a Sage CRM opportunity, selecting this option does not enable you to post a shipment for a non-existent customer.Before you can ship an order that is linked to a Sage CRM opportunity, you must open Sage CRM and promote the customer to Accounts Receivable.Apply Credit Note to Previously Credited InvoiceSpecify how Order Entry responds when you post a credit note for a previously credited invoice. Warning. Display a warning message (allows the person posting the credit note to cancel or proceed).Error. Display an error message (prevents the person posting the credit note from proceeding).Ignore. Ignore previously posted credit notes and continue with posting.Calculate Backorder QuantitiesSelect this option if you want Order Entry to calculate and display the quantity backordered when you add items to an order.If you do not select this option, the Quantity Backordered field displays zeros, whether or not the quantity ordered is larger than the quantity shipped.Whether or not you calculate backorder quantities, you can edit the number in the Quantity Backordered field.Calculate Tax Reporting Amounts AutomaticallySelect this option if you want the Calculate Tax option to be selected by default for new Order Entry transactions.Sage 300 calculates the amount in the tax reporting currency by applying the exchange rate between the source (customer) currency and the tax reporting currency.The Calculate Tax check box appears only if a tax authority for the transaction has a tax reporting currency that is different from the source or functional currency.Clear Expired Quotes AfterIf you want to specify a number of days after which expired quotes will be deleted, select this option, and then enter the number of days after which expired quotes will be deleted. Order Entry deletes expired quotes when you run Day End Processing in Inventory Control.If you do not select this option, expired quotes are not deleted.Default Create Invoice Option toSelect Yes if you want the Create Invoice option to be selected by default when you create new documents using the O/E Order Entry and O/E Shipment Entry screens.When the Create Invoice option is selected on these screens, Order Entry creates an invoice for all items shipped when you post the document.Generally, you would select this option if you always invoice shipments, even for partially shipped orders. If you only invoice completed orders, you might choose not to select this option.Default Order UOMSpecify whether to use the stocking unit or the pricing unit as the default order unit of measure on Order Entry screens. For more information, see About Order Unit of Measure.Default Order Weight UOMSpecify whether to use the item weight unit or the pricing weight unit as the default weight unit of measure for items that are priced by weight on Order Entry screens.You use the I/C Items screen to specify item weight, and you use the I/C Item Pricing screen to specify pricing weight.This setting applies only to items that are priced by weight. If you price an item by quantity, Order Entry uses the weight unit of measure in the item record. Pricing by weight is available only in Sage 300 Premium.Default Posting DateSelect the default date that will appear in the Posting Date field for new shipments, invoices, credit notes, and debit notes. Document Date. Select if you usually want the posting date and fiscal period to match the document date.If you select this setting, when you change the document date on a transaction entry screen, Order Entry automatically changes the posting date to match.Session Date. Select if you usually want the posting date and fiscal period to match the current session date.If you select this setting, when you change the document date on a transaction entry screen, Order Entry keeps the session date as the default posting date.If you use multicurrency accounting, currency revaluation uses posting dates to select open documents for revaluation purposes so that adjustments are posted to General Ledger in the correct fiscal year and period.Default Quantity CommittedIf you select this option, Order Entry automatically copies the number you enter in the Quantity Ordered field into the Quantity Committed field on transaction entry screens. Selecting this option ensures that quantities you enter in orders are automatically committed if available in inventory, which ensures that items are available when you ship them (unless you allow negative inventory quantities).If a quantity is already committed to an order, you can ship another order for the same items only if there is a sufficient quantity in inventory in addition to the committed quantity.Default Quote Expiration DaysEnter the default number of days after which quotes expire. Transaction entry screens display a default expiration date based on the number of days you specify here.Default Template CodeSelect a default template for new documents. For more information, see O/E Templates
Screen.If you use Project and Job Costing and expect to create orders or shipments for “nonexistent” customers, select a template that includes a tax group. (If you use project invoicing for a customer who has no record in Accounts Receivable, you cannot edit the tax group. If the Tax Group field is blank, you cannot add order details.)Keep Transaction HistorySelect this option if you want to keep transaction history so that you can:Print completed order, invoice, and credit note information on the O/E Transaction List report.Drill down from transactions in General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, and Inventory Control to the originating entry in Order Entry.If you do not select this option, Day End Processing removes information for fully shipped and invoiced orders, and removes information for printed invoices and credit notes, so they will no longer appear on transaction lists.Your selection for this option does not affect posting journals.Post A/R BatchesSpecify when to post Accounts Receivable batches generated from Order Entry transactions. You can post these batches either when you create subledger transactions (during posting or Day End Processing, depending on your I/C Costing options) or using the O/E Create Batch screen in Order Entry.If you create subledger transactions during posting and you choose to post A/R batches at the same time, Order Entry creates and posts an A/R batch for each invoice it creates. This choice can significantly slow the processing of transactions, and can also create a large number of A/R batches.If you process a large volume of orders, you should either create subledger batches during Day End Processing or use the O/E Create Batch screen to post A/R batches.If you select On Request Using Create Batch Icon for this option, you can also use the A/R Post Batch screen in Accounts Receivable to post the batches.For more information, see Order Entry Processing Options.Sales HistoryAccumulate BySpecify whether to accumulate sales history by calendar year or fiscal year.Calendar Year. Sets the start date for sales history to January 1.Fiscal Year. Sets the start date for sales history to the first day of your company’s fiscal year, as specified in the fiscalcalendar in Common Services. Keep Sales HistorySelect this option to keep sales history to support inquiry, reporting, and analysis. If you select this option, you must also specify how sales history data is accumulated.Period TypeSelect the length of the periods by which you will accumulate sales history.Weekly periods run from Sunday to Saturday. If you use weekly periods and your year does not start at the beginning of the week, the first and last periods in a year will be short ones.Sales StatisticsAccumulate BySpecify whether to accumulate sales statistics by calendar year or fiscal year.Calendar Year. Sets the start date for sales statistics to January 1.Fiscal Year. Sets the start date for sales statistics to the first day of your company’s fiscal year, as specified in the fiscal calendar in Common Services.Allow Edit of StatisticsSelect this option if you want to allow editing of year-to-date or previous-year totals for orders, invoices, or credit notes.You may want to select this option while you are setting up your Order Entry system, particularly if you are creating the system partway through an accounting year. You can then enter prior-period statistics from your previous system. Once your system is operating, you should clear this option. Order Entry updates statistics automatically when you post transactions.Keep Sales StatisticsSelect this option to keep sales statistics to support inquiry, reporting, and analysis. If you select this option, you must also specify how sales statistics are accumulated, and whether or not to allow editing of sales statistics.Period TypeSelect the length of the periods by which you will accumulate sales statistics.Weekly periods run from Sunday to Saturday. If you use weekly periods and your year does not start at the beginning of the week, the first and last periods in a year will be short ones.” (page 1) and “About Numbering Order Entry Documents ” (page 25).
- For more information, see “O/E Options ScreenTo Open this ScreenOpen Order Entry > O/E Setup > Options.Related TasksAllowing Editing of Sales Statistics Selecting Transaction Processing Options in Order EntrySetting Up Customer Credit Check Options Setting Up Order EntrySetting Up Posting and Day End Processing OptionsSetting Up Salesperson CommissionsOverview Use the O/E Options screen to select options when setting up your Order Entry system, or when you need to change setup options. On the Company tab, you enter and edit contact information for your Order Entry system.On the Documents tab, you specify how Order Entry assigns document numbers to new transactions.On the Processing tab, you select options that determine how and when Order Entry performs various processing tasks.For more information about selecting specific Order Entry options, and about changing options after you have set up your Order Entry system, see Selecting Transaction Processing Options in Order Entry.For information about integrating Order Entry with General Ledger, see O/E G/L Integration Screen.Company PanelOn the Company tab, enter contact information foryour Order Entry system. To change your company name and address, or to change contact information at the company level, use the Company Profile screen in Common Services.Documents PanelOn the Documents tab, you specify prefixes and next numbers to assign to documents, and specify default aging periods into which Order Entry groups outstanding or overdue transactions for the O/E Aged Orders report. Document numbers in Order Entry are a combination of the following elements:A prefix that identifies the transaction type.A number that Order Entry assigns sequentially, starting with the number you specify.The maximum length for document numbers is 22 characters (including the prefix).Processing PanelUse the Processing tab to specify general Order Entry options for transaction processing, currency, default document information, statistics, history, commissions, and credit checks.You can specify options that determine whether and how Order Entry performs the following tasks:Calculates backorder quantities automatically.Displays the pricing unit or the stocking unit as the default order unit of measure on Order Entry screens.Saves transaction
- Add setup records. Before you can process orders, invoices, and credit notes in Order Entry, you need to set up records for ship-via codes, miscellaneous charges, and e-mail messages. You can also define templates to speed up and simplify order entry, add optional fields to be used in transactions, and use the O/E Options screen to set up processing and General Ledger integration options for transactions. For more information, see “Setup Screens” (page 323).
- Enter outstanding orders if they exist. When you set up Order Entry, you should enter all outstanding orders into the new system so you can track them effectively.
- If you were using a computerized order entry system, you may be able to use Order Entry’s import utilities to import records.
- If you are transferring orders from another Sage 300 Order Entry database, you can
export records from the other database, use spreadsheet software to change codes,
amounts, and other information, and then import the records into the new Order Entry
system you are setting up.- Note: After importing, you should print the O/E Transaction List report for orders and
invoices to verify the imported records. You can also enter outstanding orders directly on the O/E Order Entry screen.
- Note: After importing, you should print the O/E Transaction List report for orders and
- Enter sales statistics. Order Entry maintains sales statistics for the current year and for all previous years for which you store data. If you set up before fiscal year end, you need to enter sales statistics from previous periods of the current year if you want to view these statistics online or print reports that include them. You can also enter any sales statistics from previous years that you want to view online, or for which you want to print reports. After you set up sales statistics, Order Entry automatically updates statistical information each time you run Day End Processing.
- Design order entry forms. For more information, see “About Order Entry Customer Forms”
(page 205) and “Customizable Formats for Printed Order Entry Forms” (page 209).