How to print the Purchase History report on Sage 300 Purchase Orders


  1. Open Purchase Orders > P/O Analytical Reports > Purchase History
  2. Select Detail or Summary from the Report Type list.  For Detail reports, you can select purchase orders by document date or year/period, and you can include serial and lot numbers for serialized or lotted items.  For Summary reports, you can select purchase orders only by year/period and you cannot include serial and lot numbers on the report.
  3. Specify the range of year/periods or document dates for the report.
  4. In the Sort By list, select how to report purchase history information (by vendor number or item number).
  5. Specify the range of vendors and/or items to include on the report.  You can select ranges of vendor number and item numbers for Detail reports.  For Summary reports, you select numbers according to your choice for the Sort By option.
  6. If you selected the Include Serial/Lot Numbers option, specify the ranges of serial numbers
    and lot numbers to appear on the report.
  7. If you use multicurrency accounting, specify the range of currency codes for which to print
    transactions (only transactions posted with the selected currency codes are listed), and specify whether to print amounts in the vendor’s currency or functional currency.
  8. If you are printing a Detail report, you use Sage 300 Project and Job Costing, and you want to include job information for all job-related transactions, select Include Job Details.
  9. Click Print.