How to print an order confirmation after posting an order on Sage 300 Order Entry


  1. Use the O/E Order Entry form to create a new order, and then click Post.  The Confirmation screen appears.
  2. Click Yes.  The O/E Order Confirmations screen appears, displaying the order number you posted.
  3. In the Use Confirmation field, select the format to use for printing the order confirmation.
  4. Specify the delivery method to use for sending the confirmation to the customer.  You can select one of the following methods:
    • Select Print Destination to print the invoices to your usual print destination.
    • Select Customer to use the delivery method specified in each customer record in Accounts Receivable.
      • If you select Customer as the delivery method, select the ID for the message you want to send with e-mailed documents.
      • To view or edit the message for the selected ID, or to add a new e-mail message, click the Zoom button for the Message ID field.
  5. Review the options on the screen, and change selections as required.  For more information, see the list of fields and controls in “O/E Order Confirmations Screen” (page 261).
  6. If you want to review the order confirmation before printing, or to print a test copy and verify that information is aligned correctly on a preprinted form, click Align.
  7. Click Print.