How to issue a Refund against Credit Note in Sage 300


How can you enter in an AR Refund to a customer if there is a credit note in the system for that customer?


  1. Credit Note Invoice in the system
    • If the customer has a credit note, you can process a refund in the AR Refund Entry screen.
    • Enter any details and descriptions
    • Enter the Customer Number
    • Click the button for “Cash Payment” or “Check Payment” to enter any additional details or to select “Print Check” box
    • From the Details section select the “Document Number” finder and the CN Invoice to use for the refund
    • Continue to add/insert lines and select additional Credit Notes if applicable
    • Click Add button to save and post

       2. Credit Note Invoice not in the system

    • If a credit note is not already in the system for this customer, follow the normal procedures to enter in an Credit Note Invoice through the Invoice Entry screen
    • After posting the CN Invoice, continue with steps from number 1 to create the refund