How to invoice one or more shipments using the O/E Invoice Entry screen on Sage 300 Order Entry


  1. Open Order Entry > O/E Transactions > Invoice Entry.
  2. In the Invoice No. field, enter an invoice number, or leave *** NEW ***if you want Order Entry to assign a new number when you post the invoice.
  3. In the Customer No. field, enter a customer number.  If you need to create a new customer, edit customer information, or find more information about the customer, use the buttons to the right of the Customer No. field.  Using the buttons to the right of the Customer No. field, you can:
    • Create a new customer. Click the New button to create a new customer on the A/R
      Customers screen. When you finish, the new customer number appears in the
      Customer No. field.
    • Check the customer’s credit. Click the Pre Credit Check button to check the
      customer’s credit status before entering a transaction.
    • Edit the customer’s billing address. Click the Zoom button to view and edit the
      customer’s billing address for the current transaction. (Any changes you make apply to the current transaction only, and are not saved to the customer record.)
    • Look up information about the customer. Click the Inquiry button to open the A/R
      Customer Inquiry screen to look up information about the customer.
  4. Select one or more shipments from which to create the invoice.
    • If you are invoicing a single shipment, enter the number in the Shipment Number field.
      • Tip: To view shipment details, click the Shipment Number Drilldown button.
    • If you are invoicing multiple shipments, select the From Multiple Shipments option, and
      then click the Zoom button to select shipments on the O/E Create Invoice from Shipments screen. For more information, see “O/E Create Invoice from Shipments
      Screen ” (page 652).
    • Information from the shipments you select appears on the O/E Invoice Entry screen, where you can review and edit it as necessary.
  5. On the Invoice tab, review and edit general information for the invoice.
    1. Enter the invoice date and posting date (if different).
      • Note: The posting date is the date you use for posting the transaction in General
        Ledger, and determines the year and period to which the transaction is posted.
    2. In the Location field, verify that the inventory location from which you shipped the items
      is selected.
    3. Review ship-to information for the invoiced shipment or shipments, and edit if
    4. Verify that the correct options are selected for tax, project and job costing, project
      invoicing, and retainage. For more information about these options, see “O/E Invoice
      Entry Screen ” (page 596).
    5. Enter a description and reference information for the invoice.
  6. Review invoice details and edit if necessary. You can edit each invoice detail in the table, or
    click the Item/Tax button to edit the detail on the O/E Items/Taxes screen.  For each detail, you can edit the following information:
    • Quantity invoiced
    • Unit price
    • Extended price
    • Discount percentage or discount amount
    • Ship-via method and tracking number
    • Customer item number
    • Comments and instructions
      • Note: If you need to change tax information for a detail, use the O/E Items/Taxes screen
  7. On the other tabs on the O/E Invoice Entry screen, review and edit information as needed.
    1. If you use optional fields, enter information on the Optional Fields tab.
    2. On the Customer tab, review payment terms and adjust any discounts or scheduled
      payments associated with the terms code.
    3. If you are invoicing several shipments, use the Sales Split tab to verify that the sale is
      allocated correctly. If the shipments used various sales splits, you must change the
      allocation manually.
    4. On the Rates tab, verify that exchange rate information is correct.
    5. On the Taxes tab, check the tax class and the tax registration number for the customer.
      If you are entering taxes manually, you can adjust the tax base and tax amount, if
      necessary.  If the tax currency differs from the customer currency, you can enter a reporting tax amount or let the program calculate it automatically.
    6. On the Totals tab, check the totals for the invoice.
  8. Post the invoice.
    • Note: To print the invoice, verify that the Invoice option is selected on the O/E Confirmation screen that appears after posting. You can also print order confirmations, shipment picking slips, and prepayment receipts.
  • Important!
    • When you try to post an invoice that will put a customer account over its credit limit, Order Entry displays a warning message and the following customer information:
      • Credit limit
      • Outstanding Accounts Receivable balance
      • Order amount
      • Last invoice amount and date
      • Last payment amount and date
    • If you use security, you or your supervisor must enter a user ID and password to approve credit before you can post the invoice.
    • If you are not authorized to override the credit limit, or if you want to put the order on hold for later invoicing, select On Hold. If an order is on hold, you can post the order but you cannot ship goods and produce an invoice until you clear the on-hold status.