How to Import and Export Reports in Sage Intelligence Reporting?


An additional Report Manager license or the Connector Module must be purchased in order for the Import Report feature to be enabled.

If you do not have the import feature, please see the attached document, SAI Bulk Import Instructions.


To Import Reports:

  1. Go into Intelligence Reporting, Report Manager.
  2. Right-click on the Home object in the Object window and select Import Report or on the toolbar menu click on Tools and select Import Report.
  3. Select the report to be imported (with the ._al extension) and click Open.
  4. In the Import Report window, select the Target Connection (Connector). 

Note: The most commonly used connection is the Sage Accpac (Auto Connect). If importing a Consolidated type of report, choose Sage Accpac Consolidation from theTarget Connection drop down list.

  1. Select the Report Destination (the folder) from drop down list.
  2. Click Import. 

Note: If you receive the Confirm Report Source Container window that a Container already exists, select No to create a new one.

  1. Click OK at the Import Succeeded message.
  2. Close and reopen the folder to refresh the details.

To Export Reports:

  1. Go into Intelligence Reporting, Report Manager.
  2. Right-click on the report name and select Export Report or highlight the report and select Export Report from the Tools menu.
  3. In the Save Export File As window, select the desired location and enter file name if needed.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click OK to the message “Export Succeeded. To import this report…”