How to enter a return on Sage 300 Purchase Orders
- Open Purchase Orders > P/O Transactions > Return Entry.
- In the Return Number field, press Tab to accept ***NEW*** as the return number. Purchase Orders will assign a return number when you post the return.
- Tip: If you do not want Purchase Orders to assign a number automatically, you can manually enter a number
- In the Vendor Number field, enter the vendor number or select it from the Finder.
- Tip: You do not have to enter a vendor number. However, doing so can be helpful if you want to select a receipt number using the Finder, because specifying a vendor number limits the length of the receipt list.
- In the Receipt Number field, enter the receipt number or select it from the Finder. The program will display all of the information from the receipt that you selected, allowing you to return all items or edit the quantities and then post the return.
- Check the header information for the return to make sure that it is correct.
- In the Return Date field, enter the return date or select it using the Calendar.
- If the posting date is different from the return date, enter it in the Posting Date field.
- Note: The posting date is the date that you want to use for posting the transaction in the General Ledger. This date also determines the year and period to which the transaction is posted.
- In the Bill-To Location field, enter or select the code for the inventory location that is returning the items.
- You can also specify a ship-via code for the return.
- You can change the vendor account code to post the transaction to a different set of Accounts Payable control accounts.
- Enter a description and a reference for the return.
- To return everything from the receipt, click Return All. You can change quantities, if necessary, and delete lines which are not being returned.
- If you are entering returns for cleared receipts (the receipt no longer exists), enter the details of the returned items on the detail entry table on the Return tab. For each detail, you must enter:
- Item number.
- Item description.
- Location (if you use Inventory Control).
- Quantity returned.
- Unit cost.
- Return cost.
- Unit of measure.
- Unit weight.
- Extended weight.
- Vendor’s item number.
- Order number.
- Comments.
- The general ledger account to which the returned cost is expensed (if the detail includes
a non-inventory item).
- For job-related returns, enter contract, project, and category information. You do not enter the quantity received or extended cost.
- Edit return details on the detail entry table. For each detail, you can:
- Delete the detail line if it’s not being returned.
- Change the Quantity Returned.
- Edit information such as unit cost and extended cost, discount percentage or discount amount, weights, quantities, vendor item number, order number (if PO is created from a customer order), comments, manufacturer’s item number, and optional fields.
- If you need to change item tax classes or tax included information, use the Detail Items/Taxes window. To open the Detail Items/Taxes window:
- Select a detail on the detail entry table on the Return tab.
- Press F9 or click Item/Tax.
- Click the Taxes tab to check the tax totals. You can change the tax class and tax amount for each jurisdiction, if necessary.
- Click the Totals tab to check the totals for the return.
- Click Post to post the return.
For more information, see “P/O Return Entry Screen ” (page 677).