How to enter a receipt on Sage 300 Purchase Orders


  1. Open Purchase Orders > P/O Transactions > Receipt Entry.  For more information, see “P/O Receipt Entry Screen” (page 563).
  2. Press the Tab key to accept *** NEW ***in the Receipt Number field, and let Purchase Orders assign a receipt number when you post the document.  If you do not want Purchase Orders to assign the number automatically, you can type the new number yourself, and then press the Tab key.
  3. In the Vendor Number field, type the vendor number or select it from the Finder.
    • Tip: You can skip this field, and then select the PO number. However, you must enter the vendor number first if you are receiving goods from several purchase orders
  4. If you are receiving goods from one purchase order, in the PO Number field, enter or select the purchase order number.  To select several purchase orders from which to create the receipt, click the Zoom button beside the From Multiple POs field.  In the Create PO From PO screen, click the Finder to display purchase order numbers for the
    selected vendor. You may have to press the Insert key first if you are adding a purchase order to an existing receipt.  You can select a single purchase order. You can also select several purchase order numbers
    to create a receipt that includes details entered on the selected purchase orders for the vendor.
    • Tip: Skip these fields if you are creating a receipt without referencing a purchase order.
  5. If this is a job-related receipt and you did not specify a purchase order number, select the Job Related option. (If you selected a job-related purchase order, the job-related option is selected automatically.)
    • Note: You cannot mix job-related and non-job-related purchase orders on a receipt.
  6. Use the remaining fields in the top part of the Receipt tab to enter general information for the receipt.
    • The posting date is the date for transactions being posted to the General Ledger, so it also determines the contents of the Fiscal Year and Period fields. The date applies also to the invoice.
    • If you use Inventory Control, select a location code to which bills for the receipt will be sent. You can also use the Zoom button to edit the address.
    • If you want to change the vendor account set, you can only choose from account sets that use the vendor’s currency.
  7. Tab into the detail entry table (or click the table), and then enter receipt details. (You may have to press the Insert key to start a new line.)  To receive all goods on purchase orders, click the Receive All button.  To partially receive goods on purchase order, enter the quantity received for each item in the detail section. You can also delete lines that are not being received, although you do not need to delete lines if the amount received is “0”.  You can change other information, including item descriptions, item costs (if you have appropriate security authorizations), discount amounts, item weights, quantity canceled and outstanding, number of item labels required, arrival date, comments, and optional fields.
    • Note: You cannot add detail lines if you are receiving specific purchase orders.
    • Tip: You can click the Item/Tax button or press F9 to display a separate screen that lets you view and edit all the information for a single detail, including tax information.
    • For information on detail fields, see “P/O Receipt Entry Screen” (page 563).
  8. Use the remaining tabs to complete the information required for the receipt.
    • To check or edit vendor’s tax group or tax classes, click the Taxes tab.
    • To add optional field information for the receipt, click the Optional Fields tab.
    • To change currency exchange rates in a multicurrency system, click the Rates tab.
    • To check the totals for the receipt, click the Totals tab.
  9. Click Post.