How to Edit an Existing Remit-to-Location on Sage 300 Accounts Payable


  1. Open Accounts Payable>A/P Vendors>Remit-To Locations.
  2. In the Vendor No. field, enter the vendor number.  Remit-to locations for the specified vendor are displayed in the table.
  3. Select a remit-to location in the table, and then click Open.  A screen appears allowing you to edit information for the specified remit-to location.
    • Tip: You can also edit other remit-to locations on this screen.  To do so, enter the code for another remit-to location in the Remit-To Location field.
  4. Make your changes.
    • Notes:
      •  If you make a remit-to location inactive:
        • You can no longer use it when adding an invoice.
        • Ensure that the Primary Remit-To option is not selected.
      • You cannot make a remit-to location inactive if it is used on any unposted documents. 
  5. Click Save.


If necessary, seek the assistance of Acute Data Systems to help provide assistance with this process.