How to Create a Contact List for Following Up with Customers in Accounts Receivable for Sage 300
To create a contact list that you can use to follow up with customers:
- Open Accounts Receivable > A/R Customers > Customer List.
- If you want to limit the list to a range of customers, or if you simply want to include customer number information on the report:
- In the first Select By field in the Customer Range area, select Customer No.
Tip: If you prefer a report that contains other information, such as customer group or account set, specify Customer Group or Account Set instead of—or in addition to—the customer number. - Use the From and To fields to specify the first and last customer numbers (or customer group codes, or account set codes) for the range that you want to include.
The generated report will include columns of information for all the criteria you select, in the order you specify them.
- In the first Select By field in the Customer Range area, select Customer No.
- To include comments from customer records, select Comment Follow-Up, and then use the From and To fields that appear to specify a range of follow-up dates for the comments you want to include on the list.
- If the list is for a specific salesperson, select Salesperson, and then specify the same salesperson code in the From and To fields.
Alternatively, you can specify a range of salespersons using the From and To fields. - Specify any additional criteria you need in the remaining Select By fields.
Example: To include only customers that have overdue balances, select Overdue Amt. or Func. Overdue Amt. as criteria.
If your system uses security, you must have View Transaction History security authorization to select criteria for amounts or balances. - Use the Aging, Credit Limit, and Include options to refine the report.
Tips:- If you selected criteria that can be aged (such as Current Due or Overdue Amt.), select aging options that determine whether amounts are classified as current or overdue.
- To select customers based on their credit status, and to include information about customers’ credit limits, select credit limit options.
- If you want to include the name, telephone number, and e-mail address for a customer contact person, select the Contact Information option.
- If you specified Comment Follow-Up or Comment Expiration as criteria, and you want to include customers whose records have no comments in the specified range of dates, select Customers With No Comments.
- If you want to include customers with no balances, select Customers with Zero A/R Balance.
- Click Process to generate a customer list preview.
Tip: If you leave the Customer List Preview screen open, you can refer to it when you contact customers, and look up additional information while you speak to them. - To display details for a listed customer on the Customer Inquiry screen, double click the customer number on the preview screen.
- Look up any and all information entered for a specified customer.
Information available in the Customer Inquiry screen includes:- Posted and pending (unposted) documents for the customer.
- Posted receipts, and information about how the receipts were applied.
- All the information entered in the customer record, including address, contact information, processing and invoicing options, optional fields, activity and statistics, and comments.
- Additional information entered for the customer, such as ship-to locations and recurring charges.
- Edit customer comments directly on the Comments tab.
- Open the customer record and related records for editing.
Examples:- To edit a ship-to location record, double-click the ship-to location on the Ship-To tab.
- To edit a recurring charge record, double-click the recurring charge code on the Recurring Charges tab.
- To edit customer activity or customer statistics, click the Drilldown button beside the Customer No. field.
- Drill down to view documents in the original entry screen.
Examples:- To display a posted document in a transaction-entry screen, select the transaction line on a table on the Documents, Receipts, Refunds, Adjustments, OE Orders, OE Invoices, or OE Sales tab, and then click the column heading for the type of document.
Note: These columns have a Drilldown button in the heading. - To view or edit a transaction that is not yet posted, double-click the transaction line on the Pending tab.
- To view an order or a shipment in the Order Entry module, double-click the order number or the shipment number.
- To view an item record in the Inventory Control module, double-click an item number on an Order Entry tab or on the IC Contract Pricing tab.
- To display a posted document in a transaction-entry screen, select the transaction line on a table on the Documents, Receipts, Refunds, Adjustments, OE Orders, OE Invoices, or OE Sales tab, and then click the column heading for the type of document.
- Open the Document Inquiry screen to view detailed information for a particular posted document.
- To view a posted document on the Document Inquiry screen, select the transaction line, and then click the Document No. column heading.
- To view an unposted document on the Document Inquiry screen, select the transaction on the Pending tab, and then click the Document No. column heading.
Note: Columns that open the Document Inquiry screen have an Inquiry button in the heading.
Tip: When the Customer Inquiry screen appears, you can leave it open. If you return to the Customer List and double-click another customer number, the program refreshes the screen for the new customer.
- Look up any and all information entered for a specified customer.
- To print the customer list to your usual print destination, click Print.
- When you have finished using the preview, click Close to return to the Customer List screen