How to allocate serial numbers or lot number to non-kitting items on Sage 300 Order Entry


  1. Open Order Entry > O/E Transactions > Credit/Debit Note Entry.
  2. On the Document Type list, select Debit Note.
  3. Select the invoice number, if necessary.  Order Entry automatically fills in other fields with information from the invoice.
    • Note: If you select an invoice number, you cannot allocate serial numbers or lot numbers to details that existed on the invoice. However, you can allocate serial and lot numbers to new details that you add. You can also delete serial and lot numbers from existing details.
  4. For the detail that includes the item being removed from inventory, enter item information and the location from which you are removing the item, and then select Items Removed From Inventory as the debit type.
    • Note: You cannot allocate serial numbers or lot numbers if you select Damaged Items or Price Adjustment as the credit type.
  5. Allocate serial numbers and lot numbers to non-kitting items.
    1. Enter a quantity in the Quantity column if necessary, and then click the Zoom button
      in the Quantity column heading.  The Serial/Lot Numbers Allocation screen appears. This screen includes a Serials tab if the item is serialized and/or a Lots tab if the item is lotted.
    2. Allocate serial numbers and lot numbers as required.  The quantity of serial numbers or lot numbers you require appears in the lower left part of the screen. The quantity remaining to be allocated is reduced as you allocate numbers.
      • In the Serial Number list, allocate serial numbers one at a time by manually
        entering them or by using the Finder.
      • On the Serials tab, click Auto-Alloc. to allocate all required serial numbers.
        • Note:
          • By default, serial numbers are allocated starting with the first available
            serial number, but you can specify a different starting number. To do this,
            select the Auto-Allocate From option, and then enter a number in the field.
          • If there are fewer serial numbers available than are required, all available
            serial numbers will be allocated, and a message will notify you that not all
            required serial numbers were allocated.
  6. Allocate serial numbers and lot numbers to kitting items.
    1. Select the kitting item in the Detail table, and then click the Components button.  The O/E Kitting Components screen appears, listing the items that make up the kit.  The Serialized/Lotted column displays Yes for items that are serialized or lotted.
    2. For each serialized or lotted component item:
      1. In the Qty. Ordered field, enter a quantity for the item, and then press Tab.  If your system is set up to use the Qty. Ordered field to allocate serial/lot numbers, the Serial/Lot Numbers Allocation screen appears. Otherwise, proceed to the following step.
      2. In the Qty. Shipped field, enter a quantity for the item, and then press Tab.
      3. Allocate serial numbers and lot numbers as required.
    3. Click Close to return to the O/E Kitting Components screen.
    4. Click Close to return to the O/E Credit/Debit Note Entry screen.
    5. Enter any additional information required for the document, and then post the


If necessary, seek the assistance of Acute Data Systems to help provide assistance with this process.