How to adjust retention on an Accounts Payable Invoice for Sage 100


How to adjust retention on an Accounts Payable invoice using Invoice Data Entry


  1. Expand ModulesAccounts PayableMain, and click Invoice Data Entry.
  2. Select the vendor, and enter the invoice number to adjust.
  3. Click the Adjust button.
  4. On the Header tab, leave the Adjustment Amt field at zero if only the retention needs to be adjusted. (Any amount entered here will adjust the invoice amount)
    1. If you want to change the invoice amount also:
      1. Enter the adjustment as a negative amount to reduce the amount of the invoice.
      2. Enter the adjustment as a positive number to increase the amount.
      3. To delete an invoice, enter the balance of the invoice as a negative amount. This adjusts the balance to zero.
  5. Go to the Lines tab and select the Job Number, Cost Code, and Cost Type.
  6. Leave the Amount field blank unless you are adjusting the invoice amount.
  7. In the Retention field, enter the adjustment as a negative number to reduce the retention amount and as a positive number to increase the retention amount.
  8. Update the Accounts Payable invoice register.

Discount Adjustments:
To adjust the amount of the discount for the invoice, enter any change in the discount amount in the discount adjustment field. For example, if an existing invoice has a $2 discount that should be $5, enter $3 in the discount adjustment field. After the invoice is updated it reflects a $5 discount ($2 original + $3 adjustment).


If necessary, seek the assistance of Acute Data Systems to help provide assistance with this process.