How to Add Additional Cost Records on Sage 300 Purchase Orders


  1. Open Purchase Orders > P/O Setup > Additional Costs.
  2. Fill in the following fields:
    • Additional Cost. Type a unique code of up to six characters to identify the additional cost record, and enter a description of the cost.
    • Vendor Number. If the cost is regularly charged by a particular vendor, type the vendor number or select it from the Finder. You can also leave this field blank if you want to use the additional cost code for more than one vendor.
    • Currency. Select the currency in which you will enter the additional cost.
    • Amount. Type the amount of the cost, if known. (If the cost varies, leave the Amount field showing zeroes.)
    • Proration. Specify whether to expense the cost or allocate it to items on a receipt.  Select No Proration to charge the cost to a general ledger account, or select a proration method (by quantity, weight, cost, or manually).
    • Expense Account. If you choose not to prorate the cost, type the number of the general ledger expense account to which you post the additional cost. If you use Sage 300 General Ledger, you can select the account from the Finder.
    • Return Proration. If you choose to prorate the cost, specify whether to prorate the cost to remaining items on a receipt when you return items. You can also leave the cost amount in the account it was posted to with the receipt or expense it to another general ledger
    • Return Account. If you expense the cost on returns, type the general ledger account number to use.
    • Click Add.
    • If the additional cost is subject to taxes, specify the tax authorities and associated tax classes that apply. If more than one tax authority applies, press the Insert key on your keyboard to start a new line, after you have completed the tax information for a previous line.
  3. To add another record, click the New button beside the Additional Cost field to clear the screen for a new record, and then repeat steps 2 and 3.