These are just a few of the new features in Sage 100 version 2022 and subsequent updates. For a complete list of enhancements, see What’s New in Sage 100 2022.
Sage 100 2022.1 includes the new Maintain Projected Demands task in the Inventory Requirements Planning module. Use this task to manually enter demand information so that it’s included in the demand calculation.
You can add tasks and other items to the new Public Favorites group. These items are available to all Sage 100 users based on their role security.
In Work Ticket Entry you can create a work ticket for a bill by entering the bill number, along with any bill options, directly on the Header tab. You can also enter a template and template revision number on the Header tab.
When printing a report, if you’ve entered dates in the Selections grid, you can now save them as part of a custom report setting.
In Item Maintenance, you can now upload PNG, TFF, and JPEG Files for your product images.
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