How to Update Data Dictionary Files or Tables with SY_Activation_Bus Program


Sage 100


How to update tables or files in Business Framework application modules from the ProvideX Data Dictionary using the SY_Activation_Bus program in Sage 100
EmbeddedIO or SY_Activation.

Note: The procedures can also be used to attempt to resolve the following error: “The current file’s data dictionary definitions do not match those of the new file…”


Backup Warning

Use caution when working with the below product functionality. Always create a backup of your data before proceeding with advanced solutions. If necessary, seek the assistance of a qualified Sage business partner, network administrator, or Sage customer support analyst.


  1. Access the Sage 100 Desktop.
  2. Click File menu.
  3. Select Run.
  4. For Program, enter the following command:
    • SYZCON
  5. Click OK to run the program, which launches a ProvideX debug or command prompt window.
  6. At the prompt (blinking cursor), enter the following command:
  7. Press the Enter key, which will run the command.
  8. At the prompt (blinking cursor), enter the following command:
    • ? X’ACTIVATE(“M/M”,”xxx”)
    • Note: M/M is the application module code
    • Examples: A/R, S/O, C/I, or I/M
    • Note: xxx is the company code
    • Example: ABC, XYZ
  9. Press the Enter key, which will run the command
    • Note: 1 is returned if the command was successful. 0 is returned if the command failed
  10. At the prompt (blinking cursor), enter the following command to exit:
    • BYE
  11. Press the Enter key, which will close the ProvideX debug or command prompt window

Note: When you run the SY_Activation_Bus script to update data files/tables from the dictionary, we are expecting a ‘1’ to be returned to verify that the command was successful. If a ‘0’ is returned, in SYZCON run the following script to identify the last error message, which should provide some direction as to the next steps to troubleshoot the issue.

  • ? X’LastErrorMsg$

Additional information

Optional: If a Sage 100 Customer Support analyst requests it of you (please do not send unsolicited), you can help them analyze and prevent future issues with Sage 100 by providing data:

  1. Gather the following files from “..\MAS90\MAS_System” location on the server where Sage 100 is installed:
    • ..\MAS90\MAS_System\SY_ActivityLog.m4t
    • ..\MAS90\MAS_System\SY_Enhancement.m4t
    • ..\MAS90\MAS_System\SY_Module.m4t
    • ..\MAS90\MAS_xxx\*.LOG
    • Note: Where xxx is the company code and *.log are all the log files located at the root of that folder
  2. Compress the files into a single Zip archive file, with the Support Ticket Number as the file name.
    • Example:
  3. Email files to with the following Subject:
    • Data Conversion Analysis; Ticket 800####### (where 800####### is the Support Ticket Number)


If necessary, seek the assistance of Acute Data Systems to help provide assistance with this process.