Unable to Cast COM Object of Type in Sage Fixed Assets
Unable to cast COM object of type ‘CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.Controllers.ReportSourceClass’ to interface type ‘Crystal Decisions.ReportAppServer.Controllers.ISCRReportSource’.
- Sage Fixed Assets 2018.1
- Sage Fixed Assets Crystal runtime 13.0.21
- 3rd party applications using crystal runtime
- IQMS Crystal runtime
- Error when running reports in 3rd party application after upgrade to Sage Fixed Assets 2018.1
- Error running reports after upgrade to 2018.1
- Unable to cast COM objects
- CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.Controllers.ReportSourceClass
- CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.Controllers.ISCRReportSource
- No such interface supported
- The document has not been opened.
- Epicore
- Skyline
- Heritage Financial
- Microsoft (MS) Dynamics
- Automaster Systems AMS2000
- Blackbaud
- The Financial Edge
- Vista Viewpoint
- Sage X3 Version 6.5 Workstation Client and earlier versions
Crystal runtime version conflict between 3rd party software and Sage Fixed Assets 2018.1.
Sage Fixed Assets 2018.1 does use Crystal Runtime version 13.0.21
The 3rd party applications that conflict in crystal runtime with Sage Fixed Assets 2018.1:
- Epicore
- Skyline
- Heritage Financial
- Automaster Systems AMS2000
- Blackbaud
- The Financial Edge
- Vista Viewpoint
- MS Dynamics
- SysPro
- Sage X3 Version 6.5 Workstation Client and earlier versions
The two products are unable to generate reports when installed on same machine. Install Sage Fixed Assets 2018.1 onto a separate machine (VM is possible).
Additional Information
Important: Before upgrading, consult with your business partner or Sage to ensure that this update is compatible with customizations, integrated applications, and other configuration options. If you install this update independently, you assume responsibility for any impact on your system.