How to Troubleshoot Sybase 16 Service Start-Up Issues for Sage Fixed Assets


Sage Fixed Assets


  • Error: “The Service Manager has encountered problems with the parameters. Please correct the parameters and start again.”
  • The Service Manager or Sybase has encountered a problem(s) with parameters.
  • Unable to Start Service.
  • Service does not start or stops after clicking start.
  • SQLAnys_Sage_FAS_Fixed_Assets, Could not start the server.
  • Unable to start Sybase 16 engine/service.
  • Sybase 16 Engine/Service will not start.
  • Service has stopped or is not running after a reboot.
  • FAS Service not starting.


Network Warning

This solution requires advanced knowledge of your network. Contact your system administrator for assistance. Modifying Windows security incorrectly can severely affect system operations. Sage is not responsible for operation issues caused by incorrectly modifying your Windows security. Always create a backup of your data before proceeding with advanced solutions.

Operating System Warning

This solution requires advanced knowledge of your computer’s operating system. Contact your system administrator for assistance. Modifying your Windows Registry incorrectly can severely affect system operations. Sage is not responsible for operation issues caused by incorrectly modifying your Windows Registry. Always create a backup of your data before proceeding with advanced solutions.


Note: These are the Troubleshooting steps for issues starting the Sybase engine. Continue through each step until the Sybase Service starts.
Things to check:

  1. Ensure there are no prior versions on the Sage Fixed Asset server or client still install on the system:
    • In Windows: Go to Start > Setting > Control Panel > Programs > Features. Are there any other FAS or Sage Fixed Assets programs install? If so, Uninstall any FAS or Sage Fixed Assets programs then install Sage Fixed Assets – Depreciation Network again.
  2. Ensure the default parameters are correct in the Sage Fixed Asset Service Manager:
    • On the server where the Sage Fixed Assets Network Server Components are installed:
      • In Windows Explorer: Go to C:\FASSERV or SFASERV\common\FASSVCMGR.exe
      • Right-click the FASSVCMGR.exe > Select Run as Administrator which will open the Sage Fixed Asset Service Manager dialog.
      • The default parameters in the Service parameters: box should be: -gp 4096 -ti 0 -tl 120 -gd all -n SFA_Engine
      • Note: If the Parameters box is blank, the Windows Authenticated User installing the program did not have full administrative rights to the server.
  3. Change the Engine name (the -n parameter) to something else (i.e. SFA_New or anything else as long as there are no spaces or special characters.), and click Save > then Start.
    • If the Service starts, then there is another Sybase engine with the same name running on the Server/Network. Either Stop the Service on the old server with the Sage Fixed Assets Server Components are installed, or set up the Client to point to the new Engine name.
    • Note: If there is not an old server around, a common start point for finding another Fixed Asset Service would be the Client system where the Server-side may have accidentally installed.
  4. If the Service fails to starts, it is possible another Sybase engine is running on the Server. Check the Task Manages, Processes tab for dbsrv*.exe:
    1. In Windows: Right-Click the Taskbar > Select Task Manager > Click the Processes or Details tab > click on Image Name to sort by name:
      • If there is a dbsrv*.exe listed: Go to Start > Setting > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services > click Stop on the other Sybase engine > on the Sage Fixed Asset Service Manager click Start > then start the other Sybase engine. 
      • If it’s a lower Sybase engine, to prevent issues on the reboot of the server, it will be necessary to set up a dependence. Go to Start > Setting > Control Panel > Administrative Tools, Services > right-click service listing > choose Properties > click Dependencies tab > choose the Sage Fixed Asset service to ensure the Sybase 16 engine starts first on reboot.
      • With another Sybase engine already on the system which also has a -n parameter, installation of the engine on different servers is the only workaround.