“The database login failed. Failed to open the connection. Details: [Database Vendor Code: 17]”


Error: “The database login failed. Failed to open the connection. Details: [Database Vendor Code: 17]” when opening Sage 100 Premium client.
or error when trying to preview/print Crystal Reports: “Error: The database login failed. Error in File SY_SystemConfigListing 2208_3108_{B73434B3-C4B3-457E-A175-15F1106E802C}.rpt: Unable to connect: incorrect log on parameters.”


  • The Database Server field in Sage 100 Settings Utility contain the wrong server name.
  • Firewall blocking SQL Server port
  • SQL Server Instance does not have TCP\IP Enabled
  • Database Server field in Sage 100 SQL Settings Utilities on Server contains (Local)


For Sage 100 2013 and higher

  1. In Windows, select Start, All Programs, Sage, Sage 100 ERP 2013 , Sage 100 Premium ERP 2013 SQL Settings Utility.
  2. Select EDIT.
  3. Select the Database Server field
  4. Enter the SQL Server name
    • Note: it may be necessary to enter <Server Name>\<Instance Name> if SQL is installed on a Separate server. Make sure the system is not using (Local)\<Instance Name>
  5. Select Apply
  6. Enter SQL Database Login Credentials
  7. Select OK
  8. Select OK on Test Connection Results screen
  9. Select Close
  10. Open Windows Services
  11. Look for SQL Server Browser
  12. If working over multiple machines SQL Server Browser must be running all the time
  13. Right click and select Start if needed.

For Sage 100 (formerly Sage MAS 200 SQL) version 4.50:

  1. In Windows, select Start, All Programs, Sage, Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL, Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL Settings Utility.
  2. Select EDIT.
  3. Select the Database Server field.
  4. Enter the SQL Server Name.
    • Note: it may be necessary to enter <Server Name>\<Instance Name> if SQL is installed on a Separate server. Make sure the system is not using (Local)\<Instance Name>
  5. Select Apply.
  6. Enter SQL Database Login Credentials.
  7. Select OK
  8. Select OK on Test Connection Results screen.
  9. Select Close

If error continues add a Firewall Inbound Rule for the SQL Server service:
Open port in Windows firewall for TCP Access

  1. Open Administrative Tools, Windows Firewall with Advanced Security console
  2. In the left pane of the console, select Inbound Rules
  3. Right-click select New Rule
  4. Select Port and click Next
  5. In the Protocol and Ports dialog box, select TCP.
  6. Select Specific Port Numbers and then type the port numbers: 1433, 1434
  7. Select Next until get to ‘Specify the name and Description of this Rule’ screen
  8. Enter name for Inbound Rule (for instance SQL – TCP)
  9. Select Finish

Open port in Windows firewall for UDP Access

  1. Open Administrative Tools, Windows Firewall with Advanced Security console
  2. In the left pane of the console, select Inbound Rules
  3. Right-click select New Rule
  4. Select Port and click Next
  5. In the Protocol and Ports dialog box, select UDP.
  6. Select Specific Port Numbers and then type the port numbers: 1434
  7. Select Next until get to ‘Specify the name and Description of this Rule’ screen
  8. Enter name for Inbound Rule (for instance SQL – UDP)
  9. Select Finish

Open access to SQL Server when using dynamic ports

  1. Open Administrative Tools, Windows Firewall with Advanced Security console
  2. In the left pane of the console, select Inbound Rules
  3. Right-click select New Rule
  4. Select Program and click Next
  5. In the Program dialog box, select ‘This program path.’ Select band navigate to Instance of SQL Server that you want to access through firewall, and then click Open. (Example: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11\Instance_Name\MSSQL\Binn\Sqlserv,exe)
  6. Select Next until get to ‘Specify the name and Description of this Rule’ screen
  7. Enter name for Inbound Rule (for instance SQL – Dynamic)
  8. Select Finish

If error continues, verify TCP/IP is enabled for Sage 100 SQL Server Instance

  1. Open Start, All Program (or Apps), Microsoft SQL Server YYYY (YYYY =
    Year), Configuration Tools, SQL Server Configuration Manager
  2. Expand SQL Server Network Configuration
  3. Select the Protocols for the SQL Instance for Sage 100
    • Example: Protocols for SAGE100SQL
  4. If TCP/IP status is Disabled, right-click TCP/IP and select Enable
  5. To save changes, you’ll need to Stop then Start the Sage 100 SQL Server Instance inside SQL Server Configuration Manager using the following steps:
    • Select SQL Server Services under SQL Server Configuration Manager (Local)
    • Right-click the SQL Server Instance for Sage 100 (Example: SQL Server
      (Instance_Name)) and select STOP
    • Right-click the SQL Server Instance for Sage 100 and select START
    • Exit SQL Server Configuration Manager


If necessary, seek the assistance of Acute Data Systems to help provide assistance with this process.