Integrate SugarCRM with Sage 100
The SugarCRM Sage 100 Integration Application allows the two software packages to “talk with each other” by synchronizing customers, contacts, inventory items, sales history, open invoices, invoice history, quotes, and sales orders between Sage 100 and Sugar.
The synchronization between the packages can be set on a scheduler or run manually and includes the following components:
- Synchronize customers between SugarCRM and Sage
- Synchronize inventory items (products) between SugarCRM and Sage
- Synchronize Sage customer sales history into SugarCRM
- Synchronize Sage customer item sales history into SugarCRM
- Synchronize Sage open invoices into SugarCRM
- Synchronize quotes and orders entered in SugarCRM into Sage
Professional Edition Features
- Unlimited 9-5 PST support for the integration (4 hour callback guarantee)
- Updates and upgrades to support all Sugar updates and upgrades throughout the year
- Updates and upgrades to support all MAS updates and upgrades throughout the year
- Sugar-MAS Integration Feature updates and upgrades throughout the year
- User-Friendly application with straightforward configuration
- Compatible with Sage 100 (aka MAS 90 and MAS 200) versions 4.3 and above
- Compatible with SugarCRM v6.1 and above
- Customers sync’d from MAS to Sugar
- Customer Contacts sync’d from MAS to Sugar
- Inventory Items sync’d from MAS to Sugar
- Customer Sales History sync’d from MAS to Sugar
- Customer Sales History by Item sync’d form MAS to Sugar
- Customer Sales History by Product Line sync’d from MAS to Sugar
- Customer Sales History by Product Category sync’d from MAS to Sugar
- Open Invoices sync’d from MAS to Sugar
- Invoice History sync’d from MAS to Sugar
- Shipment Tracking Numbers sync’d from MAS to Sugar
- Quotes/Sales Orders sync’d from MAS to Sugar
- Quotes/Sales Orders sync’d from Sugar to MAS
- Integration logs with error messages and sync status messages
Purchase of the SugarCRM Sage 100 Integration Includes all integration software, a detailed installation and operating guide, unlimited phone and email support, all updates and upgrades to support Sugar updates and upgrades throughout the year, all updates and upgrades to support Sage updates and upgrades throughout the year, and SugarCRM – Sage 100 ERP Integration application feature updates as we make the integration more powerful over time.