Container Receipt Management

For Sage 100

Container Receipt Management enables you to receive a shipment on the books for accounting purposes, but the items haven’t been physically received yet.

What is Container Receipt Management?

ScanForce’s Container Receipt Management solution for Sage 100 is an easy to use software focused on leveraging mobile programs and data in Sage 100. 

You Need It If:

Your business is frequently purchasing orders from overseas, items have a lengthy in transit from vendors, or you take ownership of items as they leave an overseas dock but do not want quantities to show as available in Sage 100

Key Benefits

How to Use it:

  1. Receive items on the water from an overseas vendor or items arriving from across the country in Sage to a virtual warehouse
  2. When the shipment arrives, you can perform  a transfer, moving the items into the warehouse where they will then be available for sale.