Sage Fixed Assets What is the Beginning Date?
- Asset with beginning date same as reporting period not showing up on report
- What is the BEG Date?
- What is the beginning date?
The Beginning Information (Beginning Date, Beginning YTD, and Beginning Accum) is used to force depreciation into an asset. Beginning information is used on asset(s) being entered into Sage Fixed Assets which has depreciation from another depreciation system. Beginning information will tell Sage Fixed assets what was calculated in the old system.
- Beginning Date: Would be the last date calculated in the old system.
- Beginning YTD: Would be the amount calculated for the current year in the old system.
- Beginning Accum: Would be the total amount of depreciation taken in the old system.
After entering these figures in the Beginning Information fields, the current fields are populated with the same figures entered in the beginning fields.
- Another way that the Beginning Date will get populated is if changes are made to critical fields of an asset after depreciation has been ran, and answer YES-Current Thru Date to the two prompts received after making a change . If Yes-Current Thru Date is used, Sage Fixed Assets will take the Current Through Date, the Current YTD and the Current ACCUM amounts and will populate the Beginning Date, Beginning YTD and Beginning Accum fields with these same amounts. This will lock in depreciation that was already calculated using the prior asset information before the change.
NOTE: Depreciation will still need to be ran on these asset before they will appear correctly on all reports.
Please see the Adjustments section of the Sage Fixed Assets User’s Guide (Help, User’s Guide) for more information.