Sage 300 Uni Analysis
“A tool will help you to do a job rather than be the job itself.”
Best Selling Products, Most Profitable Customers, and Top Sales People
The value of your sales data is measured by your ability to quickly identify your best-selling products, your most profitable customers, your top-producing salespeople, and other results driven insights. Uni Sales Analysis gives you unparalleled reporting and analytical capabilities that provide immediate access to important facts about your business. Uni Sales Analysis maintains its own historical database for analysis, inquiry or reporting. Facts you can use to make smarter decisions.
- Display your data the way you want to see it with the Inquiry & Report Engine.
- Use Crystal Reports to display your data with presentation quality.
- Print directly from the query screen for quick and easy reference.
- Export directly to Microsoft Excel or other file formats for more detailed analyses in a familiar environment.
- Automatically create sophisticated charts with the touch of a button from the Sales Analysis query screen.
- Slice, dice, sort, summarize, display, and print your sales data any way that makes sense to your unique operation.
Why Use Uni Sales Analysis?
- Consolidate your Sage 300 data and external sources for easy access.
- Keep unlimited sales histories for analysis and tracking trends.
- Reduce the size of Sage 300 data files to speed up daily operations.
- Simplify queries with a single data source.
Key Features
- Runs from the Sage 300 Desktop. No additional LanPaks required
- Gets data from OE, IC, AR, Superclerk and Service Manager
- Import, Export and optional edit of sales data. Use Sage 300 Security to restrict access
- Create charts/graphs directly from Sales Analysis
- Uses industry standard Crystal Reports as reporting engine
- Installation and activation – the same as Sage 300.
- Windows standard user interface. You can resize and re-arrange inquiry columns
- OE Invoice and Credit Note drill down from detail
- AR Document drill down from detail
- AR Invoice and Credit Note History, Inquiry and print
- Drill down to customer details with AR Inquiry