Sage 300 Hotkeys

Here are a list of Sage 300 (Accpac) navigation hotkeys to save you time:

EscCancel/close a pop-up window.
Alt+F4 (or Alt+C)Close a form or dialog box.
Alt+SSave changes made to current/new record.
Ctrl + Page DownMove to the last item in the Finder list.
Ctrl + Page UpMove to the first item in the Finder list.
Page UpWhen on a “Finder” field with record navigation buttons, move to the previous record in the list.
Page DownWhen on a “Finder” field with record navigation buttons, move to the next record in the list.
Ctrl + TabMove out of a grid or list to the first button or field following the grid or list.
Ctrl+Shift+TabMove out of a grid or list to the button or field directly above the grid or list.
Tab or Enter; Shift+Tab or Shift+EnterGo to next column or previous column.
“+” key on the numeric keypadWhen on a numeric field in an Accpac data entry screen, this brings up the calculator. When done your calculation, you can press the “P” key (or Alt-P) to paste the value in the field you are on.
F2Edit highlighted cell in a container list (or grid). Press it again to stop editing the cell.
F4Open the calendar to select date.
F5Open up a finder list (any field with the finder/magnifying glass icon.
F7Display/refresh data (same as the “>>” Go button).
F9Zoom in, or display more information about, a selected record. (This is the same as the “Zoom” button – the one with the upward-facing triangle on it.
Shift+F9Open or close a popup window when there is a Zoom button.


If necessary, seek the assistance of Acute Data Systems to help provide assistance with this process.