Sage 100 Troubleshooting Paperless Office
Now that you know how to set up various areas and functions of Paperless Office, it’s now time that we take a look at how to troubleshoot common issues.
One of the issues that occurs in Paperless Office is that it stops responding when printing with the following errors seen:
• “Printer Not Activated, Error Code -41”
• “Printer Not Activated, Error Code -30”
• “Printer Not Activated, Error Code -20”
This error could be due to the Sage PDF Converter or the components associated with the converter including the Printer Object itself (in Windows), the Windows Registry components, and .dll files that control it. We recommend that you reinstall Workstation Setup to create the Sage PDF Converter and appropriate .dll files on the workstation.
Windows 7
If you are using a Windows 7 machine, printing to Paperless Office has been known to hang or not complete or respond. Troubleshooting this issue requires advanced knowledge of your computer’s operating system. We recommend that you contact your system administrator for assistance as modifying your Windows Registry incorrectly can severely affect system operations.
Here are the steps to resolve the issue:
1. Shut off Windows UAC and reboot the computer.
• It is not required to leave UAC off when using Sage 100
2. Uninstall the Sage 100 workstation setup
3. Re-install Sage 100 workstation setup
4. Go to the Start Menu, Devices and Printers in Windows and Right click on the “Sage PDF Converter”
5. Select “Printer Properties”
6. Navigate to the Ports tab
8. Click Apply. The new Port should now appear on the list:
NOTE: If you receive an error adding a port, it means that you’re in a high security environment
9. Navigate to the Security tab and select the Everyone group. Select Manage This Printer and Manage Documents and check off “Allow” under the Permissions box.
10. Click Apply
11. And finally in the about Tab in Sage PDF Converter Properties, make sure the version of the PDF Converter is Version 3.03:
Accept all changes and test Paperless printing.
Another issue that people have encountered is that Paperless Office email works in one company but not others. We believe the reason is that the “Company” settings for email differ for each company. The settings need to be corrected for the company email that does not work. For additional information on setting up Paperless Office settings, refer to Sage 100 ERP Help under Paperless Office.
Another possible cause is that if you have “Use as Default Company for Server Settings” selected or checked off this does not apply the email settings for the selected company to all other companies.
To resolve the issue, follow these steps:
1. Note the settings on Library Master, Main, Company Maintenance, on the E-mail tab for the working company as well as companies that are not working properly
2. Correct the settings on Company Maintenance on the E-mail tab for the companies that are having Paperless Office Email sending issues to match the working company
3. Use the Test E-mail button to test the E-mail settings for each company that had settings changed