Error: Sage 100 Stopped Working/Nothing Happens when Exporting to Microsoft Excel 2016 64-Bit
- “Sage 100 has stopped working” or “nothing happens” when exporting to Microsoft Excel 2016 64-bit
- Faulting Module Name: msoshext.dll appears in Event Viewer Application Log when exporting to Excel 2016 64-bit using Application option
Backup Warning
Use caution when working with below product functionality. Always create a backup of your data before proceeding with advanced solutions. If necessary, seek the assistance of a qualified Sage business partner, network administrator, or Sage customer support analyst.
Issue occurs due to an incompatible version of ..\MAS90\Home\xmllite.dll and ..\MAS90\Home\xmllite64.dll installed with an older version of the Amyuni PDF Driver (Sage 100 PDF Converter). These files are no longer installed in version 2020 of Sage 100 (and later versions).
There are 2 problem files (xmlite.dll and xmlite64.dll) no longer install in Sage 100 2020 and later (but may exist from older versions during upgrades)
Better Resolution: (will not require rename after each MS Office update)
- Rename the following files to *.old on the Sage 100 server (and in Advanced/Premium on the local workstations too):
- ..\MAS90\Home\xmllite.dll
- ..\MAS90\Home\xmllite64.dll
- Choose Export option for Export to File instead of Application
If necessary, seek the assistance of Acute Data Systems to help provide assistance with this process.