Sage 100 Sales Order Multi-Currency
How does Sales Order Multi-Currency (SOMC) work?
SOMC provides the ability to generate Quotes, Sales Orders, and Invoices in different Currencies. This module integrates fully with the Multi-Currency Inventory Management module, and it must be used with the Multi-Currency Accounts Receivable and General Ledger modules.
Updated Screen Views
A new Currency Button has been added to all Multi-Currency related screen prompts.
- Customer Last Purchase in Entry Currency: View the Customer's Last Purchase information in the actual Entry Currency.
- Enter Transactions in Any Currency: You may enter Sales Orders, Invoices, Credit and Debit Memos in the Customer’s default Entry Currency, or you may change the Entry Currency to any other established Currency.
- Enter Transactions using Any Exchange Rate: Update the transaction date or you may override the Exchange Rate.
- Bill-To and Ship-To Country Fields: The new Country fields added to the Accounts Receivable Customer and Ship-To Addresses may be printed in all Sales Order module forms that include the Bill-To and Ship-To addresses.
- Customer Price Levels by Customer by Currency: Use the Customer Price Levels by Currency.
- Print Sales Orders and Invoices in Entry or System Currency: Print the SO and Invoices in either the System or the actual Entry Currency.
- Print C.O.D. Labels in Entry or System Currency: You may print the C.O.D. Labels for the Invoices generated in either the System or the Invoice Entry Currency.
- Registers in System and Entry Currency: For audit purposes, the Multi-Currency system prints Sales Order Registers in both the Entry Currencies and the System Currency using the appropriate Exchange Rates.
- Auto Generate Invoice Selection by Order Currency: Generate the Invoices for sales Orders in a specific Entry Currency.
- Sales Order Inquiry in Entry Currency: The Sales Order Inquiry program displays the Entry Currency Code, Exchange Rate and all amounts in Entry Currency.
- Switch Commas and Decimal Point when Printing Report Amounts: Based upon the printing mask established for the Currency in General Ledger, the commas and decimal point may be switched when printing Reports.