Sage 100 SO Automatic Addition of Miscellaneous Item

Sage 100 SO Automatic Addition of Miscellaneous Item (SO-1052) allows for a Miscellaneous Item Code to be automatically added to Orders and/or Invoices when you exit the Lines Tab. This additional fee could be:

  • A flat fee

  • With IM-1077: User Defined Fields for Inventory Masterfile installed and enabled, the result of a calculation of I/M item Quantities multiplied by a value in an IM-1077 UDF, then summed for the Order or Invoice.

  • The result of a calculation of IM1 ‘Retail Price’ multiplied by a percentage specified in Setup, and then multiplied by the Qty Ordered/Shipped and summed for the Order or Invoice.

  • Based on the presence of a specified Customer UDF it is then calculated as either a percentage of the Order’s Total amount or the result of the Order’s Total Quantity multiplied by a rate.