Sage 100 PO Unit Cost Write Back to Drop Ship Sales Order Line
Sage 100 PO Unit Cost Write Back to Drop Ship Sales Order Line (PO-1137) writes the Unit Cost from a Purchase Order line to its associated Drop Ship Unit Cost field on the Drop Ship Sales Order line. If the order has been invoiced, the Drop Ship Unit Cost will be written back to Accounts Receivable Invoice History.
This Extended Solution was designed to be used in conjunction with one of the following Extended Solutions: PO-1020: Purchase Orders Created from Sales Orders or SO-1489: Auto Generate Purchase Orders from S/O Entry. In both instances their Setup option to write the resulting Purchase Order into a Custom Office S/O Detail UDF will have to be specified in order for this to function.
The described feature was developed for a specific client to its specifications and may not conform to generally accepted Sage 100 standards and procedures. These features may or may not benefit you in your application of Sage 100.