Sage 100 Inventory Management Multi-Currency

Add foreign prices by item or customer and generate comprehensive reports of price levels by currency.

How does Inventory Management Multi-Currency (IMMC) work?

IMMC provides users with the ability to set up a different price and cost for each item per Currency. You may also set up price levels in different currencies, by item or customer, and print price level reports by Currency. This enhancement is essential for any company quoting and making sales in more than one currency.

Updated I/M Item Maintenance View

The Item Pricing Maintenance panel in I/M Item Maintenance / Inquiry (accessed from the Pricing Button from the Main Panel) has been enhanced to allow Item and Customer Breaks by Currency Code.


Foreign Item Pricing Report

This report has been added to the Reports Menu in the Multi-Currency module. The Foreign Item Pricing Information report prints the Price Levels set up for Foreign Currencies.