Sage 100 GL Multi-Company Financial Consolidation

Sage 100 GL Multi-Company Financial Consolidation (GLCN) has been created for firms that run more than one company on their Sage 100 system, and who require combined and separate financial reporting, this enhancement will automate that process using the standard or custom financials. The General Ledger Chart of Accounts must be the same across companies. Also available for use with our Multi-Currency/International General Ledger enhancement. GLCN facilitates the combining of any number of companies’ General Ledger data into one consolidation company, for the purpose of printing combined Financial Statements. This is extremely useful for the following reasons:

  • After this utility has been used to combine the various companies’ data, the Standard Financial Statements may be run for the consolidation company. The alternative would be the creation of a Custom Financial which combines the companies within the Custom Report format. The Custom Financial is difficult to create, it must be maintained on an ongoing basis when accounts are added or removed from any of the consolidating companies, and the Custom Financial Statement Update takes much longer to run than does this utility.
  • If a complex set of relationships exist among all of the companies, it is easy to create a number of “imaginary” companies strictly for the purposes of consolidating General Ledger data, and reporting various combinations of them in different ways, without creating Custom Financials.