Sage 100 Paperless Office: How to – Part 2

In Part One, we showed you how to do some of the following in Paperless Office:

  • How to print forms to PDF
  • How to e-mail customer and vendor forms

But wait there is more. In Part two, we want to share more How-to’s, particularly around how to use Paperless Office for direct deposit stubs.

How to e-mail payroll direct deposit stubs using Paperless Office

For this, you will need advanced knowledge of your network. If you have any questions, we encourage you to contact your system administrator for assistance.

The first step is to setup e-mail for the company for which you want to e-mail payroll direct deposit stubs. To do so:

  1. Expand Library Master, Main, Company Maintenance
  2. Select the desired Company Code (in our example it is ABC) then click on the E-mail tab
  3. Enter your Mail Server’s IP or Physical address
  4. Choose Authentication options like SSL or none. Then enter in the Username/Password/Domain (if applicable)

Once you have completed that step, you will then want to setup Paperless Office. Some of it has been covered in Part One so we will just cover the steps you will need in order to email payroll direct deposit stubs:

  1. After you setup your Paperless Office options and after completing all the fields in Form Maintenance, you will want to click on the Additional tab in Form Maintenance and then select Delivery During Check Register Update. Change the option to Yes. This will send Direct Deposit Stubs during Electronic Delivery in Payroll Check Printing

  1. If you did not select Delivery During Check Register Update, you are still able to email the direct deposit stubs by going to Payroll, Direct Deposit, Paperless Office Stub Viewer (aka Direct Deposit Stub Viewer). Use the SHIFT or CTRL keys to Multi-select documents then select the Envelope icon to email them.
    How to reprint or resend direct deposit stubs when using Paperless OfficeIf you ever need to reprint direct deposit stubs when using Paperless Office, then follow these steps:
    1. Expand Payroll and Direct Deposit. Double-click Paperless Office Stub Viewer.
    2. In the Direct Deposit Stub Viewer window, highlight the affected Payroll check.
    3. On the right side, click the Envelope button to electronically deliver.
    4. In the From E-mail Address field, enter a valid e-mail address.
    5. Click Send. Review the results in the Results of Electronic Delivery window that shows the total number of attempted and successful e-mails.

    Note: The e-mail will be sent to the e-mail address defined in the employee’s Paperless Office Delivery Options

Article Courtesy of Sage

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