Sage 100 eBusiness Web Services Module
A platform-independent interface, eBusiness Web Services is specifically designed for web developers and programmers to integrate Sage 100 ERP (formerly Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200) with third-party applications, such as e-commerce. Built using Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), .NET, it runs in Internet Information Services (IIS). Utilizing HTTPS encryption, eBusiness Web Services ensures maximum security for e-commerce websites to communicate with Sage 100 ERP efficiently and securely. Get e-commerce the way you want: Enable eBusiness Web Services in your system for one company, for selected multiple companies, by roles, and by areas of access.
Easily set up eBusiness Web Services using the Configuration Utility, which allows you to fine-tune the Data Entry Points. It steps you through the process so you can limit and add new Data Entry Points, utilize User Defined Fields (UDFs), Development Partner Fields, and even reduce the bandwidth overhead for Web Services. Requests are handled efficiently by utilizing the Object Cache. Define any field that is used in you Sage 100 ERP software, including UDFs.